Huisstijl voor Belastingadvieskantoor / Corporate Identity for Tax Advisory Firm
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: Belastingadvieskantoor
- Categorie: Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 229.00
- Datum start : 16-07-2015 16:07
- Datum einde : 27-07-2015 16:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 48
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
English translation:
InterTaxation is a new incorporated tax advisory firm in need of a simple and easily recognisable corporate identity. We have a wide range of clients, large international companies as well as small SME`s. We hope for a restful and professional business look. Our logo should have at least 1 color but preferably two (or more). The business cards should have a Dutch and English side.
InterTaxation is een nieuw opgericht Belastingadvieskantoor. Wij hebben een brede range aan klanten, van(grote) internationale bedrijven met activiteiten in Nederland tot kleine MKB`ers.
InterTaxation is a new incorporated tax advisory firm. We have a wide range of clients, large international companies as well as small SME`s.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Colors : blue and/or green(ish)
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LPL zegt
Hi, Sir,i thought about what you said that most of the business cards there are mostly in white background. I thought ,sometimes,in order to be remembered we have to deviate from the norms. Black somehow will represent formality.This is only my opinion , sir.
LPL zegt
Would you want this to be in white background, sir?:)
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LPL zegt
I thought you might want to see the logo on a different color background. I also amend the font for InterTaxation. Should there be anything that you want sir, please let me know.
Belastingadvieskantoor zegt :
Blue on blue doesnt work for us. Most business cards have a white background in our (business) culture.
LPL zegt
ok, sir, i will do a white version also.
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LPL zegt
Good day, Sir, the words in Dutch and in English are interchangeable with the design.
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LPL zegt
Hi, Sir, do you have any specific color that you like? this logo is flexible in color.
Belastingadvieskantoor zegt :
We do like mutiple shades of blue. The design of the card is very nice but how can we adjust it in way that we can present a business card which is in English on one site and in Dutch on the other?
LPL zegt
What specific words would you like to be written at the back of the card, sir?
LPL zegt
i mean the words in Dutch
Belastingadvieskantoor zegt :
Both sides we be the same but one will be written in English , the other (with the same information) in Dutch. This way we can have 1 business card and it doesnt matter if we hand it out to Dutch clients or international clients.
Belastingadvieskantoor zegt :
Although we like the logo design we are of the opinion that the letters "it" are so linked to "information technology" that we prefer another kind of logo. But we hav to say that it is done in a very nice way (one of the best so far)
LPL zegt
Ok, sir, thank you for the feedback, it will help me create the way you like it.
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