Platte huisstijl voor studievereniging Farmacie uit 1894
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
Het logo zelf (het logo uit het EPS bestand) zal hetzelfde moeten blijven maar er zal tekst bij moeten, met daarin de naam van onze vereniging en eventueel het jaar van oprichting. Je zou kunnen kijken op voor inspiratie, of bij onderstaande reeds ingeleverde ontwerpen.
Verder behoort tot de huisstijl:
Enveloppen, Briefpapier, Visitekaartjes, Ledenmail
en eventueel:
Powerpoint Slides, Header/Footer voor posters
U.P.S.V. "Unitas Pharmaceuticorum" is de oudste studievereniging van Utrecht en is hier trots op. We zijn de studievereniging van Farmacie. We bestaan sinds 1894 en zijn in sommige opzichten redelijk traditioneel, maar over het algemeen een vooruitstrevende en moderne vereniging.
Studenten Farmacie 18-25 jaar, Farmaceutische bedrijven uit de industrie, reunisten/afgestudeerde apothekers
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Donkergroen (R76, G129, B71) en Geel (R251, G241, B56) zijn onze verenigingskleuren. De huisstijl moet een witte basis hebben met donkergroen als voornaamste stijl kleur. Donkergroene en gele elementen mogen terugkomen in het ontwerp. Het lettertype mag richting traditioneel gaan, maar een plat en modern uiterlijk hebben.
assessor2 zegt :
Looks good! That's what we wanted.
If the white space on the Mailchimp template is fixed, we think that it's all exactly what we're looking for.
We want to be sure that everything is uniform, so would it be possible to have a final check that the cutoff point of the logo is the same for all applicable designs, and that where it makes sense the yellow/green bars are in the same proportions?
To be a bit more specific, the small yellow/green bars for the back of the contact card, the bottom of the blank ppt slide and the paper.
The bar on the poster, the notebook and maybe the contact card front and green ppt slides.
And maybe check that it's U.P.S.V. "Unitas Pharmaceuticorum" everywhere, and that it says opgericht 1894 everywhere.
We think that's it! All the work looks great. We're looking forward to the finish tomorrow.
hypdesign zegt
Thank you.
Everything is now checked and Mailchimp white space was fixed - same link as before -
assessor2 zegt :
Good, we'll pick you as the winner this afternoon. The competition ends at 15:50 our time, would it be possible to send us the files before 17:00 our time?
hypdesign zegt
Sure, we are at GMT +1. That's the same time zone, right?
assessor2 zegt :
Yeah we're in GMT+1 too, you'll get notified this afternoon.
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Toelichting van de designer hypdesign:
Regarding Facebook... Did you mean like this?
assessor2 zegt :
Exactly what we meant! Looks good.
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assessor2 zegt :
Our mistake, it should be U.P. Activiteitenlijst, other than that it looks great!
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Toelichting van de designer hypdesign:
Updated poster...
assessor2 zegt :
Dear Hypedesign,
I am going to try to create a list of all the changes we would like to see made to all the material that you have created so far:
- The activity list is a poster, and should be readable from far away. The logo can be small, maybe even without text. And there should be a bulleted list, clearly readable from far away, with the dates and name of the activity, could you maybe make an example of the activities you included in the list in the mail chimp preview?
- We are going for a continuous design. Could you try to have the same cutoff point in the logo when it's used on the background (e.g. ppt, poster),? This is aimed at everything other than the paper and the contact card, we think it's fine it's a bit different there.
- Instead of "sinds 1894" in the logo, we would prefer it to be "opgericht 1894".
- Could you make a simple Facebook cover picture with same information as this ( It would complete all the work.
We have been very fond of your work so far, thank you. -
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assessor2 zegt :
Looks good, we can use this as our activity list. It would be nice if "activiteitenlijst" would come back somewhere visible at the top.
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Toelichting van de designer hypdesign:
Here is a Chimp preview, but it will look better if you can tell me which is your account name, so I can share the template with you.
Right now, I can only share it as zoomed out screenshot. -
assessor2 zegt :
Thank you for your design, I just made an account for testing purposes since we're going to use mail chimp once we use our new design. The account name is assessor2
assessor2 zegt :
As for the design, would you know if it's possible to integrate an agenda with about 10-20 dates with the event name accompanying it?
I'll pass the design by the person why sends our mails tomorrow to see what she thinks. -
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Toelichting van de designer hypdesign:
Removed watermark on the green background
assessor2 zegt :
Dear hypedesign, to complete the whole style there's a couple of small designs we would like to see added to what you have already designed for us. This would be:
- A facebook banner with 3 activiteits with description, date and time
- A header/footer for our promotional posters
- A poster of monthly activities, just a simple list in the style of the notebook cover would work well.
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Toelichting van de designer hypdesign:
Powerpoint template
assessor2 zegt :
Looks very good, though we would really need a mailchip mailing design for our complete redesign.
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assessor2 zegt :
We really like the work you´ve showed us. We would like to see you design a digital mailing, we use Mailchimp for our mailing. Besides that we´d be interested in a header-footer for our promotional posters and a simple powerpoint slide in this style, like the example in the files. We look forward to your work. Thanks for your designs so far.
assessor2 zegt :
What I forgot to mention is that Unitas Pharmaceuticorum needs to be "Unitas Pharmaceuticorum", with the braces.
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assessor2 zegt :
We like the revision of the business card, it looks very slick. We´re not really sure about the enlarged logo behind the white one, could you maybe try something else, we like all else about it.
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assessor2 zegt :
Furthermore we would like you to design a mailing for our 1400 members. It includes a list of activities with a short description, some social media buttons and some general text. Also it includes an agenda of the activitites of the month, the mailing is sent weekly.
Besides that, we would like to see if you could design some simple powerpoint sheets in this style, and maybe a footer/header for promotional posters. We look forward to your work. -
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hypdesign zegt
Thank you for the ratings.
Do you have any feedback available, what you like/dislike? What would you like me to change, or to improve?
Kind regards -
assessor2 zegt :
It all looks nice and clean, though the green closing piece of the enveloppe is a bit much, just white would be fine. Furthermore, we do like the "folder" you designed, but we don't really need one. We might want to use it as the front cover of a sketch/notebook, maybe you can take that in mind in a revision?
hypdesign zegt
Thank you for your feedback.
I understand.
Please have a look at my new entries. -
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assessor2 zegt :
We really like the business cards as well, though the name would be the job title in our case, for example: "quaestor". And we feel like there's a little much white space around the name. We look forward to your revisions.
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assessor2 zegt :
We like the simplicity of your design, and like how you've pulled that through the rest of your designs.
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