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Wedstrijd gegevens:
startende onderneming, gespecialiseerd in high fashion.
kernwoorden voor het bedrijf.
iedereen die van fashion houd man en vrouw
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
liefst iets opvallends en aparts. de label heet zani, misschien iets met de Z verwerkt.
logo"s die me aanspreken in de fashion zijn christian audigier, armani, baby phat.
zaniera zegt :
This is the wrong lettertype.
doris zegt
I'm sorry, but I have no more right to put new projects on this site.
so I can't corrected this error. -
zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
ok, we understand. can you email this to us the??
we liked what you did with the logo. you can use -
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zaniera zegt :
Hello Doris,
This is not the 'z'logo that we mean it's the 7th one from all the black logo's. Can I have your email maybe?? You can send it in a private message. We would like to sent you a file from your own logo so maybe you understand better which 'z' we mean.
zaniera zegt :
Hello Doris,
This is not the 'z'logo that we mean it's the 7th one from all the black logo's. Can I have your email maybe?? You can send it in a private message. We would like to sent you a file from your own logo so maybe you understand better which 'z' we mean.
zaniera zegt :
Hello Doris,
This is not the 'z'logo that we mean it's the 7th one from all the black logo's. Can I have your email maybe?? You can send it in a private message. We would like to sent you a file from your own logo so maybe you understand better which 'z' we mean.
zaniera zegt :
Hello Doris,
This is not the 'z'logo that we mean it's the 7th one from all the black logo's. Can I have your email maybe?? You can send it in a private message. We would like to sent you a file from your own logo so maybe you understand better which 'z' we mean.
zaniera zegt :
doris zegt
ok. -
zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
i sent the files, i hope you understand what we mean.
if not, please let us know.
looking forward for your designs. -
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doris zegt
like this?
Now is the internal line thicker as you requested in the previous example. -
zaniera zegt :
The 7the logo from all the black logos is more thicker, We want that one. With all the color combinations of the design before. And also the 2 colors for the name Zani, we really liked that. like in the last design??
I hope it's not to much a problem for you, but we like the logo only small things we want to change from the first original one.
Can u also reply our private email send to you?
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doris zegt
hello zaniera,
Here are a few suggestions, as far as color, I hope that what you are looking for. -
zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
we like the colors, but we want the 'z'logo where the middle stripe is al little bit thicker. the seventh logo from the last design. can you make all the lines in color and the inside in black? we also really liked what you've done with the 'zani'in 2 colors. -
zaniera zegt :
we sent you a email, in your inbox on the site.
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doris zegt
I hope you will find at least one of those examples that you like. I will continue with further work on finding solutions for you
Sorry for my English ... -
zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
we are verry happy with your results. we like the first logo on the last row. the 7th logo is that. with the colors red/ black, blue/black and green/black. can u put the A from the logo across the 'z'?? just to see for example. -
doris zegt
I am glad that you are satisfied.
I apologize,
Can you explain exactly what you mean in this sentence (can be put in the logo through 'Z'?) that I need to do?
zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
no problem i try to explain you.
the logo looks like a 'z'and 'a' in the middle and the end they cross each other. can you do this also with the bow from the 'a'?? and also make the 7th design in de colors you make before??
thanks in advance. -
zaniera zegt :
hao doris,
from this design the 7th one. i see the middle line from the 'z' is a little bit thicker. we want that 'z'logo -
zaniera zegt :
It's the 7th logo in this design.
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zaniera zegt :
we like the lettertype from zani, and the crown. we would like to see this back in the designs before. just as example.
zaniera zegt :
can u put this crown and zani lettertype on the 6th design.
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zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
can you make this logo with the zani lettertype from the last design. and the crown from the last design above the 'z' maybe in silver instead of black. just to see how it looks in this design. -
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zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
we like the logo but the combination with zani and the circle not so much. maybe zani a little bit smaller and no circle. or maybe just the logo combined with the z?? -
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zaniera zegt :
beste doris,
de logo spreekt ons ontzettend aan. we vinden het heel mooi, en tegelijkertijd speels. zou dit ook in het rood zwart kunnen?? en zou je de zani misschien ook speciaal kunnen maken??
ben benieuwd wat je ervan maakt. -
zaniera zegt :
als het mogelijk is, graag paar kleuren combinaties van de logo.
doris zegt
Hello, do you speak english?
zaniera zegt :
hello doris,
we really like this design. can you make us more examples with different colors?? and maybe another lettertype for zani? -
zaniera zegt :
Can u make us more examples from this design?? We like this one. Maybe more color examples.
zaniera zegt :
The design with the green and black one. We like that one. The second design is that.
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zaniera zegt :
beste doris,
wij vinden de roze veer achtige heel leuk, en zani ook alleen de lettertype zouden we anders willen hebben. mag ook woordspeling zijn. als zani maar leesbaar is.
zaniera zegt :
we like the feather, but maybe more logo like. no shoe. because we like to use the logo for more articles in the future, except shoes.
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