Logo bedrijfsnaam softwaretoepassing
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: matthijskoel
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 14-01-2022 10:29
- Datum einde : 28-01-2022 10:28
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden:
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 67
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Wij zijn een startend bedrijf en leveren klantportaalsoftware.
Voor de logistieke sector hebben we al één applicatie, maar in de toekomst willen we ook uitbreiden naar meerdere sectoren zoals uitzendbureaus.
Wij bieden standaardoplossingen en maatwerkoplossingen.
Onze applicaties hebben een gebruiksvriendelijke interface en maken gebruik van API-koppelingen met microsoft Dynamics (ERP-software).
Onze applicaties zijn dus slim, modern, gebruiksvriendelijk, inzichtelijk, functioneel en gebruiksvriendelijk.
We willen graag een pakkende naam en een naam om te onthouden
met een modern ontwerp :)
Trefwoorden: logistiek, portal, cloud, navision, business central, api, cargo.
Alvast bedankt!
ps. in de bijlage staat een screenshot van onze applicatie.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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Toelichting van de designer K-Graphics:
I changed the font.
This with the "ARGENTUM EXTRA BOLD" font,
I hope you like it.
Regards -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Toelichting van de designer K-Graphics:
I changed the font.
This with the "CAMAR" font,
I hope you like it.
Regards -
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matthijskoel zegt :
Nice! zou je misschien nog kunnen uitleggen waar die bolletjes voor staan? En misschien andere font
K-Graphics zegt
The key in the middle to show the solutions you offer to your clients,
I used many circles to refer to different solutions in different fields ( i think the circles looks good for SOFTWARE and ERP company , it's giving it the feeling of connection, organization and diversity, also it's a soft shape which makes the logo more friendly),
And to give the logo a motion as soon as the rectangle in the middle is moved in between the circles,
Also to give the logo the shape of a cloud,
And in a different way the logo looks like a car speed meter referring to data processing speed.
I used the blue color because it is often described as secure, orderly and seen as a sign of stability.
This logo, although it looks very simple, is complex and has many concepts, and it can express the company even without adding the name to it.
Regards -
K-Graphics zegt
The key in the middle to show the solutions you offer to your clients,
I used many circles to refer to different solutions in different fields ( i think the circles looks good for SOFTWARE and ERP company , it's giving it the feeling of connection, organization and diversity, also it's a soft shape which makes the logo more friendly),
And to give the logo a motion as soon as the rectangle in the middle is moved in between the circles,
Also to give the logo the shape of a cloud,
And in a different way the logo looks like a car speed meter referring to data processing speed.
I used the blue color because it is often described as secure, orderly and seen as a sign of stability.
This logo, although it looks very simple, is complex and has many concepts, and it can express the company even without adding the name to it.
Regards -
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