Logo ontwerp voor lokaal 3 daags dorpsfeest
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Feest bestaat 44 jaar, duurt 3 dagen, en heeft ca 4000 bezoekers
naam : Rollofeesten of Rollo
het Rollegemse karakter/ eigenheid, nl het gemeenschapsgevoel
Samenwerking (belangrijkste pijler) met lokale verenigingen, handelaren
Gratis evenement
gedeeltelijk Westvlaams gericht
momenteel is er geen duidelijk logo
Er wordt gewerkt met schets van boom (herkenningspunt in Rollegem) als de kerk, die het dorp en locatie weergeeft.
Dit is echter heel oubollig en is aan vernieuwing toe
Nieuwe logo moet dus strak, modern, vernieuwend, professioneel zijn, en moet nieuwe mensen lokken om deel te nemen aan de feesten.
Indien logo ok, waarschijnlijk ook huisstijl en eventueel website verder te ontwikkelen...
Doelpubliek: combi van jong-oud
(vrijdag fuif voor jeugd, zaterdagmiddag familie's van kinderen 12jr, avond life optreden (mixed publiek)
Gedurende het festival tonen de handelaren hun lokale producten, en is er een businessreceptie geïntegreerd voor de grotere bedrijven.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Onze waarden integreren in logo (Samenwerking, lokaal, gratis, party)
Moet uitnodigen om te feesten
Logo in 3 D
Werken rond de letter R, in combinatie met "feesten"
Kleur nog vrij te bepalen, maar voorkeur gaat naar iets met combinatie blauw
Toelichting van de designer CuriousCabbage:
Rollegem is one of the village in Belgia, the village trademark is a church. I made this logo based on that thing, R was selected as a main alphabet in this logo because the first alphabet of Rollegem is a R. Other than that i made a slicing between the R to build a roof of the church. The color selection is selected because of the Belgium flag. The logo hopefully would deliver a message that this Rollegem festive is held in Belgium, since this logo easy to interpretation and looks professional yet fun. Hopefully this logo will bring you international tourist too.
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Toelichting van de designer CuriousCabbage:
Rollegem is one of the village in Belgia, the village trademark is a church. I made this logo based on that thing, R was selected as a main alphabet in this logo because the first alphabet of Rollegem is a R. Other than that i made a slicing between the R to build a roof of the church. The color selection is selected because of the Belgium flag. The logo hopefully would deliver a message that this Rollegem festive is held in Belgium, since this logo easy to interpretation and looks professional yet fun. Hopefully this logo will bring you international tourist too.
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Toelichting van de designer CuriousCabbage:
Rollegem is one of the village in Belgia, the village trademark is a church. I made this logo based on that thing, R was selected as a main alphabet in this logo because the first alphabet of Rollegem is a R. Other than that i made a slicing between the R to build a roof of the church. The color selection is selected because of the Belgium flag. The logo hopefully would deliver a message that this Rollegem festive is held in Belgium, since this logo easy to interpretation and looks professional yet fun. Hopefully this logo will bring you international tourist too.
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Toelichting van de designer CuriousCabbage:
Rollegem is one of the village in Belgia, the village trademark is a church. I made this logo based on that thing, R was selected as a main alphabet in this logo because the first alphabet of Rollegem is a R. Other than that i made a slicing between the R to build a roof of the church. The color selection is selected because of the Belgium flag. The logo hopefully would deliver a message that this Rollegem festive is held in Belgium, since this logo easy to interpretation and looks professional yet fun. Hopefully this logo will bring you international tourist too.
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Toelichting van de designer CuriousCabbage:
Rollegem is one of the village in Belgia, the village trademark is a church. I made this logo based on that thing, R was selected as a main alphabet in this logo because the first alphabet of Rollegem is a R. Other than that i made a slicing between the R to build a roof of the church. The color selection is selected because of the Belgium flag. The logo hopefully would deliver a message that this Rollegem festive is held in Belgium, and will bring you international tourist too. Since it's logo easy to interpretation and looks professional yet fun.
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