Logo voor voetbalschool Your Skills Academy
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Hierbij zou ik graag willen dat de bijgevoegde pijlen (zie foto van 3 witte pijlen in bijlage) betrokken worden in het ontwerp. De pijlen dienen de "image" te worden van mijn voetbalschool. Het liefste heb ik dat het logo koele kleuren heeft. Het liefste heb ik een afkorting van de naam, maar mocht de gehele naam ook passen (binnen de pijler strak), is deze ook zeker een optie.
Ook zou ik deze pijlen graag ook in zwart en wit png los aangeleverd krijgen.
Ik hoop dat U degene bent die mij kan helpen!
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
-Koele kleuren
-Strak en moderne logo's
-Liefst niet teveel tekst
joe hart
joe hart zegt
Do you mean this?
greetings joe hart
STEYN99 zegt :
WOW! That's exactly it!
Those 6 logo's & your first design... Everything matches with my ideas!
is it possible to send me all of it in png? (in black & white png)
And in all the versions that you've sended?
Thank you so much! I choose your design!
Steyn -
joe hart zegt
I will send according to your request.
greetings joe hart. -
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joe hart zegt
Do you mean like this?
STEYN99 zegt :
This is great!
And last 2 requests...
-Can you also send the first 2 designs?
-and is it possible to make a cut out png from all the logo's? so I can paste them everywhere with transparent background
STEYN99 zegt :
And of course in the best resolution ;-)
joe hart zegt
oke i will do it,
greeting joe hart. -
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joe hart zegt
check please.
STEYN99 zegt :
Looks great!
I am very happy with this one!
Is it possible to deliver this one and the other one? and maybe the Icon seperate?
And can you try to put the abbreviation "TTA" under the icon?
Maybe that fits the best on the trainingswear.
The other 2 logo's are perfect for the communication etc.
Thank you very much! -
STEYN99 zegt :
Looks great!
I am very happy with this one!
Is it possible to deliver this one and the other one? and maybe the Icon seperate?
And can you try to put the abbreviation "TTA" under the icon?
Maybe that fits the best on the trainingswear.
The other 2 logo's are perfect for the communication etc.
Thank you very much! -
joe hart zegt
terima kasih dan saya akan mengirimkan apa yang anda minta sesegera mungkin..
salam joe hart. -
STEYN99 zegt :
And the last thing: Is the space between the last two arrows at the bottom similar to the space at the first 2 arrows at the top? ;-) -
joe hart zegt
I've revised this to the design above.
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STEYN99 zegt :
This design is very nice!
Is it possible for you to make the text fit under the size of the logo? Then I can compare which design looks better for on my trainingswear;-)
And antiheld question: what is the lettertype you used ? Because of my documents and communication
Thank you very much! -
STEYN99 zegt :
This design is very nice!
Is it possible for you to make the text fit under the size of the logo? Then I can compare which design looks better for on my trainingswear;-)
And antiheld question: what is the lettertype you used ? Because of my documents and communication
Thank you very much! -
joe hart zegt
of course I will revise the font I use the Gotam font (Bold) but I am modif ..
greetings joe hart. -
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