Logo voor werken zonder bazen of managers
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: estherteunissen
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 269.00
- Datum start : 21-09-2021 22:14
- Datum einde : 27-09-2021 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,png
- Relevante bestanden:
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 80
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Wij zijn op zoek naar een logo met het woord 'roldenken.nl'.
Ter inspiratie, hieronder wat dingen die bij roldenken horen:
- Mensen werken in flexibele rollen in plaats van vaste functies.
- Mensen zijn baas in eigen rollen.
- Mensen kunnen meerdere rollen hebben en deze ook continu aanpassen door voorstellen te doen. Je mag ook rollen teruggeven en nieuwe rollen op je nemen.
- Hierdoor ontwikkel je een manier van werken waarbij mensen zich volop kunnen ontwikkelen en in hun eigen kracht staan.
- Het is een missie-gedreven manier van werken: niet een manager, maar de missie is de baas.
- Iedereen kan kansen, ideeën of frustraties omzetten in een actie, deze kansen noemen we 'spanning'. Deze zogenoemde spanningen zien we als brandstof om de organisatie beter te maken.
- Iedereen in de organisatie kan voorstellen doen om de organisatiestructuur aan te passen.
- Kernwoorden: autonomie, gelijkwaardigheid, organiseren voor de toekomst, innovatie, creativiteit, missiegedreven.
Update: we zouden graag het woord 'roldenken.nl' als logo hebben (in plaats van 'roldenken')
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer zeyzey:
Hallo. Ik heb veel verschillende logo's voor je ontworpen. Ik hoop dat je het leuk zal vinden. Ik kijk uit naar je feedback als je het leuk vindt of een verandering wilt. Met vriendelijke groeten.
estherteunissen zegt :
Hi, I'm sorry, but we chose the logo of the other designer. Very quickly it became clear to us that we either wanted this logo from you, or we would go for the other logo. Your style and creativity really appeals to me, but the concept of the other logo really appealed to us and was the deciding factor for us. Thank you so much for your submission and your colorful beautiful logos.
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Toelichting van de designer zeyzey:
Hello there. I hope you will like it. Contact me for revisions and changes you want. waiting for your feedback.
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Toelichting van de designer zeyzey:
Hello there. I hope you will like it. Contact me for revisions and changes you want. waiting for your feedback.
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Toelichting van de designer zeyzey:
Hello there. I wanted to show such a design in your favorite colors for the distribution and power of the roles.
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Toelichting van de designer zeyzey:
Hello there. I wanted to show such a design in your favorite colors for the distribution and power of the roles.
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Toelichting van de designer zeyzey:
Hello. I hope I understood correctly as I understood from the translation. Contact me for your comments and revisions.
estherteunissen zegt :
I really like this one! There is 1 other logo from another designer that I also really like. And we are now hesitating between your logo and his logo, because we think they are both strong. So I'll have to sleep on that one some more.... Thank you so much for your submission. I'll let you know as soon as possible which logo we choose.
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Toelichting van de designer zeyzey:
Hello there. I hope you will like it. Contact me for revisions and changes you want. waiting for your feedback.
estherteunissen zegt :
I really like the colors and thank you so much that you where willing to work on the idea of the circles/ roles. You worked it out beautifully, but, looking at it, I think it is a to complex image for us. Probably we want/ need a more simple logo, but I'm gonna sleep on it to get a more clarity on that ;)
We do know now that we want to use 'roldenken.nl' (instead of 'roldenken') and that we like the colors, so thank you for this. -
estherteunissen zegt :
I slept on it and this logo keeps attracting me, but it's not it yet. I also saw your latest version, thanks for that. That one is also nicely made, but this one on the left keeps asking my attention ;) Would you be willing to make another version based on the logo on the left? Because the combination of colors really appeals to me and also the complexity and dynamics it radiates. Would you maybe like to do the following:
- Remove the middle circle. And then move the scrolls/circles and lines you made around it closer together and then draw a circle around that? So the 'complexity' is in a circle instead of around a circle. (see attached image in the briefing to see what I mean with that). I hope I'm explaining it clearly haha. -
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estherteunissen zegt :
Thank you for your design, I really like the colors. I think the logo is nicely made and creatively thought, but the figurative mark doesn't yet match what we are looking for unfortunately. Maybe we need something abstract with circles/ roles like in the attached pictures in the briefing as a logo. I don't know exactly yet.
estherteunissen zegt :
But I really like the color combination, both in the word "roldenken" and in the figuratieve mark. Maybe if you want you could make a variation on the figurative mark and then something abstract with circles/roles?
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