Gezocht: een smoel ( en een visitekaartje) voor een personal coach en trainer
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: Mark Drube
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 419.00
- Datum start : 19-12-2014 09:51
- Datum einde : 07-01-2015 09:46
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 109
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Het logo wat ik zoek associeert met: ontwikkeling, doelgericht, reflectie. Ik wil het gaan gebruiken op mijn website en als ijsbreker voor een gesprek.
Doelgroep:particulieren en werknemers, vanaf middelbaar niveau
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Eenvoud en krachtig. ik houd van groen, er mag 'beweging 'in het logo zitten
Toelichting van de designer djaya:
stationary design
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Toelichting van de designer djaya:
design revised. Please your review. Option 1 & option 2. Something a little changes that bring big impact. Thank you Mark
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Toelichting van de designer djaya:
Hi Mark, I'm happy with our collaboration. It's very valuable to us. and keep in your mind, thant I AM OPEN TO UNLIMITED REVISION. Even if you choose my design as a winner or not. I am very happy to work with you.
Mark Drube zegt :
Hi Djaya,
thank u for your design. U made all the changes, many thanks. i really like it. now some details. u have mirrored the 15 and the twelve. when i look closely is see that the green line between the green 15 and the white 12 is not exactly in the middle. i makes that the numers are not exactly mirrored. can u make the green line in the middle please. -
Mark Drube zegt :
Hi Djaya,
i really like the design. when i compare your last two designs i see that your previous design has a "heavier"centre. the green line looks a bit firmer than your last. the white 12 has the same height a the green bar. can u do that also with your last design -
Mark Drube zegt :
thank u
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Toelichting van de designer djaya:
logo refining : please your suggestion
Mark Drube zegt :
this layout i like. use the other logo please. can u use the characters/lettering of your 4th design (see comment)
Mark Drube zegt :
use the backside of your design below please ( with the logo in the down right corner)
Mark Drube zegt :
is this colour green different? if so, i like this one better.
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Toelichting van de designer djaya:
logo refining : please your suggestion
Mark Drube zegt :
this logo is nice ( with the horizontal stripe) set up of the card t great. your last contribution has a nive layout.
Mark Drube zegt :
I like the setup of the backside
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Mark Drube zegt :
The other one was better. I dont like the black background. it looks a bit like a martial arts logo :)
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Mark Drube zegt :
this one I like. The logo is a nice variantion on other designs i have seen. the font is nice too. I dont have an office so the part with the adres can be erased. I only need three icons: phonenumber, mailadres and webesite. My last namen is written with an ü (alt 129). my function doesnt have to appear on the businnescard. I like this colour better. I like a fresh green.
on the bottom of the card I see your other logo ( printed in the grey part of the card. i presume that that doesnt belongs there.
can u make some adjustments ? -
Mark Drube zegt :
i like these charakters
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Mark Drube zegt :
Hi Djaya,
thanks u for your contribution. i do like the lay out of the business card. the colour green is a bit dull. a first the logo seems appealing but at second glance it is a bit of. -
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