Logo Huisstijl favicon design voor nieuw e learning en coaching marketing community
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: LuckyRichy.nl
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 25-02-2021 21:26
- Datum einde : 04-03-2021 21:25
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 72
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Bedrijfsnaam = BCMA
Slogan / subtitel = Business community marketing academy
Het logo moet moet goed leesbaar zijn, opvallen door een creatief onderscheidend ontwerp. (zowel qua lettertype, vormgeving, kleurgebruik en een duidelijk logo icoon wat ook als favicon gebruikt kan worden) Het icoon moet onderdeel vormen van het totale logo maar ook als los item gebruikt en geplaatst kunnen worden.
Kernwaarden- woorden zijn: Innovatief, deskundig, open, ondernemend, daadkrachtig, inspiratie, stimulerend, verbindend, bruggenbouwers, samen
Wij zijn heel benieuwd met welke mooie out of the box en creatieve ontwerpen jullie gaan komen. Alvast veel succes en heb je vragen dan hoor ik dat graag van je.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
please don't make now very different new logo's there is no need . i know what i like please just change mine last two request and it is oke
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
in this design i like now also the Logo's in different colours with the orange and the blue background. So thats is good but now you have switch the logo from left to right and above the BC and i like the way it was ... and that is the icon on the left side next mine Company name.
alvero zegt
hi staff
I am currently revising your request, unfortunately I am unable to submit the design due to entry restrictions -
alvero zegt
do you want to move the logo icon over the BCMA?
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
Thank you ... Perfect Letter font. And now the other two request?
2 = In your VC design i like it when the Logo is above and the lines and hat icon are below
3 = In your other likewise design you did have more colours in the icon designs with the blue and orange background. Can you adjust that also here with the darkblue and orange design?I mean the combi colours in the Icon? Like you first designs -
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
Thank you ... Perfect Letter font. And now the other two request?
2 = In your VC design i like it when the Logo is above and the lines and hat icon are below
3 = In your other likewise design you did have more colours in the icon designs with the blue and orange background. Can you adjust that also here with the darkblue and orange design?I mean the combi colours in the Icon? Like you first designs -
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
Hi there Alvero again you did a great job ;-) Thank i will choose your / this design (with the dark blue in it) but i have a 3 last request:
1 = I like the modern lettertype but then a modern lettertype where the letters stand more close together is that possible?
2 = In your VC design i like it when the Logo is above and the lines and hat icon are below
3 = In your other likewise design in you did have more colours in the icon designs with a blue and orange background. Can you adjust that also here with the darkblue and organe design?
Thank you already very match ;-)
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
Very nice thank you ... can make the same design with a dark blue colour? #1b253E ? i wonder how that looks like
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
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LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
thanls ;-)
alvero zegt
Hi staff, does my revision not meet your criteria?
because there is no rating for my design,
thank you -
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
hahaha no i like it very good... can you place a line between the company letters BCMA and the subtitle? thank you
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LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
very nice! ;-) thank you
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
Hello Alvero can you make a little change in the subtitle? We changed it in to: Business Coaching Marketing Academy
Thank you -
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Toelichting van de designer alvero:
please check this one,thanks -
LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
Very nice good job please can use the next colours in your design blue (#9bc7ec) orange (ff5800) and maybe a dark background like grey (646464) or black?
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LuckyRichy.nl zegt :
Nice design and i think it will beter when the first 2 letters BC have the same colour and that MA have another colour... then it match with the subtitle. And can you redesign the icon? This one I don't realy like. And my colour preference is blue (328bd8) grey (555555) orange (ff5800) or yellow (ffff51) and black. Blue is the primair colour in combi with grey and orange
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