Logo Huisstijl Mediation
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Simchadl
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 200.00
- Datum start : 26-11-2020 20:59
- Datum einde : 18-12-2020 04:12
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 282
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Naam: Huigen Mediation
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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Simchadl zegt :
I Like the idea but it looks now like 1 has a long arm, could you try to optimize the design? Thank you! and make it a bit more fluid
tennisloool zegt
I sincerely apologize for my late reply my computer was broken.
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Simchadl zegt :
Thank you very much, I like the colors! It looks like the left one is reaching out a hand and the right one is not, is it possible to change this?
tennisloool zegt
Dear I work on changes. What do you think now?
Grettings -
Simchadl zegt :
I Like the idea but it looks now like 1 has a long arm, could you try to optimize the design? Thank you!
Simchadl zegt :
I Like the idea but it looks now like 1 has a long arm, could you try to optimize the design? Thank you! and make it a bit more fluid
Simchadl zegt :
I Like the idea but it looks now like 1 has a long arm, could you try to optimize the design? Thank you! and make it a bit more fluid
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tennisloool zegt
Dear, line inside represent not connection between people.
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