Logo voor nieuwe Dating event! DeepDating
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: deepdating
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 180.00
- Datum start : 13-05-2020 11:29
- Datum einde : 17-05-2020 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 135
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
we have received enough beautiful logos
We will get in touch with you for our decision
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Strawberry House
Strawberry House zegt
In this logo, I have created brand symbol of True Love that is Heart with Flower with minimalistic concept. It can be used as Brand Icon for your all kind of design activities. I will be happy to hear your feedback for the same. Thank you. Anand
deepdating zegt :
Hi Anand, thank you very much for your very creative logos. This last one is simple and very nice. But I am sorry to disappoint you, I received a few other logos that are just more fitting and appealing to me.
Strawberry House zegt
No Problem. It is really a nice communication and feedback among all the contest. But I will sure try to give better result each time. Regards, Anand
Strawberry House zegt
No Problem. It is really a nice communication and feedback among all the contest. But I will sure try to give better result each time. Regards, Anand
Strawberry House zegt
No Problem. It is really a nice communication and feedback among all the contest. But I will sure try to give better result each time. Regards, Anand
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Toelichting van de designer Strawberry House:
Dear Sir/Madam, This is something different than required brief logo but I believe that I should also submit just for reference. Regards, Anand
Strawberry House zegt
Dear Sir/Madam, I was thinking two couple seating with back to back at pond and searching for love with hook where exactly they found love one one heart below their boat and that is heart. Deep Dating is having the same story. You can find our true love within this portal and no need to search anywhere else.Regards, Anand
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Toelichting van de designer Strawberry House:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Kindly find vivid and warm color option with this submission. Regards, Anand -
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Toelichting van de designer Strawberry House:
Dear Sir/Madam,
In this logo design, I have created circle of love which shows the star of relationship. I am working on 3rd concept design meanwhile, Kindly give your rating and feedback on the same. Regards, Anand -
deepdating zegt :
Thank you very much Anand. Really nice idea, but we miss the aliveness . The colors could be more vivid and warm.
Strawberry House zegt
Sure Sir/Madam, I have used different color that is turquoise for care and trust but I will definitely improve this design with vivid and warm color and I am also working on 3rd concept also. Thank you for your feedback and rating. Regards, Anand
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Toelichting van de designer Strawberry House:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have kept Blue and Pink while targeting +30 audience and created two D shape while dating to each other with heart. I will also submit next concept very soon. Regards, Anand -
deepdating zegt :
Dear Anand, thank you for your design. I really appreciate the originality working with the D's. But to be honest, I do not find it very 'beautiful'. Also, but this accounts for all designs so far, I miss the DEEP (consciousness aspect) of Deep Dating
Strawberry House zegt
Sure, Thank you for your feedback. I will submit beautiful design which you will like it. Anand
deepdating zegt :
Thank you, I am looking forward.
Maybe you could also try other colors...? everybody works with blue and pink... I have no preset colors, but find blue and pink not so original. And can you as designer actually see other submitted designs and comments? (just curious)
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