Nohea tech een inspirerend tech consultancy
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Noheatech
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 120.00
- Datum start : 28-05-2020 11:39
- Datum einde : 04-06-2020 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,svg
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 173
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Voor mijn nieuwe bedrijf genaamd ’Nohea Tech’ ben ik op zoek naar een mooi logo en een brand identify, Mijn bedrijf is een eenmanszaak dat IT consultancy diensten levert voor technologie startups en corporates - tot aan board niveau. Kernwaarden en beloftes:
-begrijp de technologie en kan de vertaling en verbinding leggen tussen de IT en de business.
- ik behaal altijd doelen en resultaten en weet de korte termijn te combineren met de lange termijn strategische doelen
- eerlijk, niet-hierarchisch, gedreven, humor, lol and teamwork.
Nohea is een Hawaiiaanse term en staat voor het volgende:
A Nohea is a positive, enthusiastic, and generous person. They can light up any room they enter just with their Aura. Nohea’s tends to be grounded in nature and seekers of truth and knowledge. They are loyal to a fault, and not likely to hold a grudge although they never truly forget. You don’t want on the bad side of a Nohea though, they can be your biggest ally or your toughest adversary. They are champions for the weak and under estimated. The eternal optimist.
Most Nohea’s (both male and female) are extremely passionate about things that interest them. And tend to gravitate to occupations that put them in the spotlight but prefer to take a more background position in everyday life. They are more satisfied by others acknowledging their accomplishments then giving them personal attention.
Overtly outspoken, unapologetically honest, and not afraid of confrontation. If backed into a corner, they can talk their way out of anything.
-begrijp de technologie en kan de vertaling en verbinding leggen tussen de IT en de business.
- ik behaal altijd doelen en resultaten en weet de korte termijn te combineren met de lange termijn strategische doelen
- eerlijk, niet-hierarchisch, gedreven, humor, lol and teamwork.
Nohea is een Hawaiiaanse term en staat voor het volgende:
A Nohea is a positive, enthusiastic, and generous person. They can light up any room they enter just with their Aura. Nohea’s tends to be grounded in nature and seekers of truth and knowledge. They are loyal to a fault, and not likely to hold a grudge although they never truly forget. You don’t want on the bad side of a Nohea though, they can be your biggest ally or your toughest adversary. They are champions for the weak and under estimated. The eternal optimist.
Most Nohea’s (both male and female) are extremely passionate about things that interest them. And tend to gravitate to occupations that put them in the spotlight but prefer to take a more background position in everyday life. They are more satisfied by others acknowledging their accomplishments then giving them personal attention.
Overtly outspoken, unapologetically honest, and not afraid of confrontation. If backed into a corner, they can talk their way out of anything.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Preferred colors; orange/silver/black/metallic
Toelichting van de designer sujiman:
The logo is the path to the expected goal. To achieve the expected goal a way is needed that is technology. The meaning of this logo is a way to achieve the goal with technology.
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Toelichting van de designer sujiman:
A logo is a bullet that hits a target
means high technology that is fast and accurate -
Noheatech zegt :
like the thinking but maybe a bit aggressive
sujiman zegt
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