Ontwerp een fris logo en visitekaartje voor een communicatieadviseur en virtual assistant die ondernemers en organisaties helpt in het vergroten van hun zichtbaarheid
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Magda The - Communication & Events
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 200.00
- Datum start : 06-06-2019 14:53
- Datum einde : 20-06-2019 14:52
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 38
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Het logo moet fris ogen en uitnodigen tot contact en/of een bezoek aan de website.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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Toelichting van de designer Naelix:
Hi Magda,
Here is a variation of the first stationery design, to which I added a line of owl's eye color under the green stripe.
This adds a touch of dynamism and illuminates the whole thing :)
Kind regards, Antoine -
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Toelichting van de designer Naelix:
Hi Magda,
Here are two new designs, let me know if you want to change something :)
Kind regards,
Antoine -
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Toelichting van de designer Naelix:
Here are your request,
Let me know if you need something else :)
Kind regards,
Antoine -
Magda The - Communication & Events zegt :
Thanks Antoine for the amendments. After this week I will make a final decision on the winning design I received on this platform.
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Magda The - Communication & Events zegt :
Hi Antoine,
Many thanks for your proposals. I like the symbol of an owl in a speech bubble very much. Well done so far. Few remarks: my full name is Magda The (The is my surname), so the second design proposal reflects this in a correct way. But do I like the position of the icon at the end of my name better (like in your first design). So perhaps you could adapt this a little by putting the icon behind my surname THE? Would like to see how that looks like. Stationery is worked out well. Except for my picture in the speech bubble on the business card. Here I prefer my picture single. In combination with the owl in speech bubble that should be sufficient (instead of 2 speech bubbles on business card). Can you please adapt so I can see how it looks like?
Thanks a lot in advance! -
Naelix zegt
Hi Magda,
Thanks for your feedbaack, i will work on your reqquest :)
Antoine -
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Toelichting van de designer Naelix:
Here is an example of stationery for your society. I put your picture on the shape of the bublle speech on your business card, to create an unique identity.
Let me know if you need anything :)
Kind regards,
Antoine -
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Toelichting van de designer Naelix:
Here is my design.
Modern and dynamic, I created a mascot as a logo. It's an owl (symbol of visibility) in a speech bubble (symbole of interact, dialogue). I added a sharp color with the green to accentuate the dynamism.
Font is customized to give a unique identity to your logo.
Colors and font can adjusted,
Kind regards,
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