Ontwerp logo en huisstijl
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: Emile
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 359.00
- Datum start : 27-03-2019 09:54
- Datum einde : 06-05-2019 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 133
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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Toelichting van de designer mirjanasch:
folders, letters, b. cards
Emile zegt :
hi there Mimi, thanks for the designs. For my taste a bit too simple, sorry to say. The elegance of the logo is great yet we need to get that into the designs of the material. Can you make a variation on the green lines, something more subtle?
mirjanasch zegt
Yes, ok!
Emile zegt :
hi Mimi, Could you do something (instead of the full green color on the letterhead and leaflet) with a variation on the logo perhaps (in gray/white)....would that work?
mirjanasch zegt
Yes, ok, I hope tomorrow.
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mirjanasch zegt
this is color in RGB color system/for web/, so it looks different then previous design work, which one is CMYK color system/for print/
Emile zegt :
OK colors are also ok in RGB, you've nailed it. Good work so far, I'm choosing your design. Can you make the a design for my house style; business card and also letterhead, presentation sheet and folder (A4 size)?
mirjanasch zegt
Yes! I need more time for that works, but it will be soon.
mirjanasch zegt
here is 3 types of letters/font/ size for name /Arthur Mills/, which one You prefer? You can see, text: people @ their best is the same, but name is shorter
mirjanasch zegt
You can send me some contact info
Emile zegt :
hi there my contact info is: info@arthurmills.nl
mirjanasch zegt
I send You an email, I need some info to apply on stationery
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Toelichting van de designer mirjanasch:
logo without grid lines/same graphic as file before/
Emile zegt :
hi there, can you please make the Arthur Mills words/font smaller (keep the people@their best the same size) so it all gets more compact?
Emile zegt :
Sorry: the fourth design from the top is the most appealing one for me, so the remark made above goes for that design. Also: please write people @ their best instead of the current writing. Thanks!
mirjanasch zegt
yes, ok
mirjanasch zegt
You mean people @ their best instead of people@theirbest?
mirjanasch zegt
You mean people @ their best instead of people@theirbest?
mirjanasch zegt
You mean people @ their best instead of people@theirbest?
Emile zegt :
Yes: people @ their best
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Toelichting van de designer mirjanasch:
logo with simple grid-lines
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Emile zegt :
hi there, this top design is almost ready. The change I would like to see is a slightly larger logo and smaller Arthur Mills name. The end result should be that the logo has the same height as the Arthur Mills name and people@theirbest tagline.
mirjanasch zegt
Hi, ok, I understand, today-during the day, I will send You works!
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Emile zegt :
hi Mirjanash, the change looks good. I think the people@theirbest tagline is the best. With the logo above the name and tagline however it looks too high. Can you put the logo in front of the name/tagline?
Emile zegt :
hi Mirjanash, the change looks good. I think the people@theirbest tagline is the best. With the logo above the name and tagline however it looks too high. Can you put the logo in front of the name/tagline?
Emile zegt :
hi Mirjanash, the change looks good. I think the people@theirbest tagline is the best. With the logo above the name and tagline however it looks too high. Can you put the logo in front of the name/tagline?
mirjanasch zegt
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Emile zegt :
hi Mirjanash, I like this design; simple, clear lines, good colors. Would it however be possible to add the business I'm in: recruitment consultancy or the tag: poeple@their best as a sub-line under the name Arthur Mills?
mirjanasch zegt
yes, of course, I will continue working for weekend
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