Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: baagje
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 319.00
- Datum start : 30-09-2014 15:30
- Datum einde : 21-10-2014 09:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,pdf, vector
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 48
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Ben jij de ontwerper van ons logo en visitekaartje?
Logo vereisten zijn:
- opvallen door eenvoud en originaliteit
- sterkte en vertrouwen uitstralen
- strak, energiek en jong logo
- mag speels, we houden niet zo van strakke lijnen, het mag rond gaan
- Waarschijnlijk zullen we het onderste stukje (een derde ervan) van het visitekaartje afknippen, dit om origineel uit de hoek te komen. Gelieve twee visitekaartjes te voorzien, de eerste met gewone formaten, de tweede zonder lay out op het onderste stukje.
VOLT is een nieuw bedrijf dat elektrische installaties uitvoert, zowel privaat als commercieel en industrieel. Het is een jong en energiek bedrijf met nationale en internationale ambities. Sterktes zijn vertrouwen, professionaliteit, uitgebreide kennis en vriendelijke service.
nieuwbouw, verbouwing, industriele installaties. Een breed scala dus van particulier tot industrieel.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
- Tekst for logo and business card: VOLT (bovenaan) elektrische installaties (daaronder)
- Kleuren zijn: donkerblauw met beige/goud (zie afbeelding), een derde kleur toevoegen mag
- twee ontwerpen voor de business card, eentje waarbij we de onderste stukje (een derde) kunnen weglaten
- business card eenvoudig maar sterk aan de ene zijde, aan de andere zijde komt de contactinformatie
- Het design moet kunnen uitvergroot worden als banner en wagensticker, dus voorzie een vectorbestand.
- we dachten aan een 'inverted image' waarbij de achtergrond donkerblauw is en het logo uitgesneden beige/goud
- enkele mogelijke ideeen zijn:
1.'standby' of ook wel 'power' symbool waarbij een vertikale lijn in een cirkel staat
2. een 'thumbs up' symbool waarbij de duim vervangen wordt door een lamp
3. iets met een kabel....
4. een rendier of enkel het gewei van een rendier waarbij het gewei op elektrische stroom lijkt
Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
edited as requested...blue made darker...text made larger
baagje zegt :
Great, looks super! Colours are perfect, you did such a good job.
- No remarks at all about the front, it's great the way it is!
- I still have a remark for the back, but these are only small details, to make it even more perfect...
- when I print the card, I found the lettertype you used for the contact details en 'graag tot uw dienst' a bit hard to read, can you make it bold, that might make it easier.
- 24h emergency service is really small, I know you put it like that so it looks balanced with the number, unfortunately it will have to go bigger and bolder. Also, I would prefer you delete the brackets ( ).
- The shaded moose under ELIE, looks better if you move it a bit up and to the left (that is the way you did it in previous design) also, I can not really see it when I print the white card (or is it my printer), you can always go a shade darker.
Voila, now let's wait for brandsupply to answer my call so I can declare you a winner.
iCONQUER1020 zegt
Hi,already done with the requested edition, ready to send when i saw the contest already ended. I'll show you the edited version once declared winner...
iCONQUER1020 zegt
you can try to check this link to see the edited version. thanks
https://www.dropbox.com/s/46iafnegp3o6pqq/voltbagofinal proposal4.png?dl=0 -
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
edited as requested...blue made darker..sample of the 43mm card will be tomorrow..it would take a little bit of time because i;ll be doing that in photoshop...please let me know if there are changes needed to be done.
baagje zegt :
Hi and good morning.
Elie had a look at the cards and absolutely loves it, good job!
We wanted to make a few adjustments.
- The text on the front "volt elektrische installaties" much bigger, maybe twice as big, let's use the space we have
- contact details and text 'graag tot uw dienst' also bigger
- we really liked how you put 'graag tot uw dienst' in italic (it means being at your service is our pleasure)
- next to the number 0483 42 34 28 is an envelope, can you change that into a phone please.
- can you add EMERGENCY to the second phone number like this ' 24h emergency service: 0484 27 44 40'
-really like how you used those symbols btw!
- in regards to the colour, Elie would prefer to go back to the very darkest blue you used in your previous designs. sorry about that, I guess we all have a different taste in terms of colour...
- don't put too much effort in the smaller size, just enough for us to have an idea how it would look like.
- I am waiting for Brandsupply, as the contest is still not closed (they were supposed to make it expire yesterday, today Sunday I can not reach them... sorry about that, guess you are also waiting...
Talk soon,
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
Please let me know if I did the right thing. Thank you
baagje zegt :
Great! Thanks you are so quick.
Ok, the "VOLT elektrische installaties" on the back needs to be removed and go to the front of the card.
On the left side of the card (back side) I would like to see the name "ELIE" and on the background the shaded moose as you did in your last design (then you put it on the front of the card).
I will print once more to see the colours, and discuss the result with Elie.
Is it possible for us to have a look at one smaller format (so 43 mm wide) to have a idea how that would look like?
Thanks again
baagje zegt :
Just looked at a print. You did a really good job. I hope it is not my printer but this time the blue looks too light. Can you try one shade darker? Something like a nightblue or whatever it is called...
baagje zegt :
oh yeah, you have our mail address, elievolt@outlook.com, thanks for that
iCONQUER1020 zegt
ok. I got it, try to show you the revised version in an hour or two...i’ll show you the size 43mm business, early tomorrow morning, its 10:30pm now in my clock..yup you’re right, lot of filipinos in australia..my sis-in law lives in australia and planning to visit australia in the future
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
edited as requested
baagje zegt :
Nice!Thank you so much, it looks great!
We had some issues with the computer, but we are back.
Now, here are my remarks...
1. We just printed all your designs and realise that you were on the right track from the beginning; the first blue you used looked better, so can you put it back please.
2. according to the printing office all gold needs to be made out of CMYK, thus C:20, M:25, Y:60, K:25.
3. We will go for both backgrounds (depending on the print job), so as here on the left with blue background and white background, good job!
4. All gold text and image will be printed in gloss, more about that later.
Text and image
1. We would not put the shaded moose on the background of the front, but think its a great idea to have this on the back of the card, the moose in circle will get a gloss layer so it is important to keep it separate from the text.
2. Text for the back: Elie (big)
Elie: 0484 27 44 40 Aagje : 0483 42 34 28
Mail: elievolt@outlook.com
24h service: 0484 27 44 40
graag tot uw dienst!
3. And that is it, we will keep it simple that way so no lines or anything, just the moose on the background and the text as in number 2.
Before delivering:
1. As mentioned before, we would like logo and text both with a blue and a white background
2. The printing office is asking to make clear what needs to get a gloss layer, therefor we need a second file where all gloss (so gold on the front and shaded logo on the back) needs to be put in 100 precent black.
3. Same for the size of the card, one normal size, one file with sizes 85 mm on 43 mm (instead of 55mm). Not sure if it will look great in a smaller size, we will see. What is your opinion about the smaller measurements, after all you are the designer.
4. At this stage we don't have a website, this is something we have to put later, can we add that to your design afterwards ourselves?
5. we will also use your logo for a car sticker, will you make sure it can be enlarged (vector file).
Ok.... This is all new for us, I hope it is a bit clear, if any questions or suggestions, let us know.
We will not go to the printing office this week, so if we can finalise your design by Monday that would be absolutely perfect,
Aagje -
iCONQUER1020 zegt
thank you for the update...i suggest you can declare now one of the entries as winner so that i can submit to you the requested files in the handover stage...i cannot submit the the psd files and vector files (only jpeg format) during the contest stage. i can only do the submission of the required files after the winning entry is declared.
iCONQUER1020 zegt
with regards to your request about the.size of the card, i would rather go.woth the bigger one to.make it easier to read...i,ll be sending you one with.the standard size and with bleedngs...
with regards on your website logo..you can always drop me.a message anytime you need something to be done in.the logo..i’ll try to send you the edited version early tomorrow, its already 11:30pm in my country -
iCONQUER1020 zegt
with regards to your request about the.size of the card, i would rather go.woth the bigger one to.make it easier to read...i,ll be sending you one with.the standard size and with bleedngs...
with regards on your website logo..you can always drop me.a message anytime you need something to be done in.the logo..i’ll try to send you the edited version early tomorrow, its already 11:30pm in my country -
iCONQUER1020 zegt
Hi, I have some few questions before i'll show the edited proposal..
1. What is the designation of Elie (e.g. manager, president, CEO, etc)to be placed on the card?
2. "according to the printing office all gold needs to be made out of CMYK, thus C:20, M:25, Y:60, K:25."
--Are you sure of this color, because I don't see it as gold but more of a biege, maybe i am color blind? :)
3. "We will go for both backgrounds (depending on the print job), so as here on the left with blue background and white background."
-- Do you want two kinds of business cards, one with white front and back or one with white on front and blue at the back
3. " The printing office is asking to make clear what needs to get a gloss layer, therefor we need a second file where all gloss (so gold on the front and shaded logo on the back) needs to be put in 100 precent black."
--Please expound more of this. Do you want a separate file on black background? What do you mean by gloss? Do you want me to make it a gradient gold, or just remain on the given cmyk - C:20%, M:25%, Y:60%, K:25%
I'm sorry for this clarification..english is not my first language... -
baagje zegt :
thank you for the update...i suggest you can declare now one of the entries as winner so that i can submit to you the requested files in the handover stage...i cannot submit the the psd files and vector files (only jpeg format) during the contest stage. i can only do the submission of the required files after the winning entry is declared.
Of course, I understand. It's funny you say so because yesterday I called the office of brandsupply as I can not figure out how to declare a winner, so stupid... till now I only spoke to their answering machine... I can ensure you that we will go ahead with your design. But no need to send the requested files prior to being declared the winner. -
baagje zegt :
with regards to your request about the.size of the card, i would rather go.woth the bigger one to.make it easier to read...i,ll be sending you one with.the standard size and with bleedngs...
with regards on your website logo..you can always drop me.a message anytime you need something to be done in.the logo..i’ll try to send you the edited version early tomorrow, its already 11:30pm in my country
Ok, let's see about the sizes then.
Will you please give your contact for any later editing?
And so curious to know where you are from?
baagje zegt :
Just got a call from brandsupply, I can not declare the winner because the contest wont expire till end of this month. They will now adjust it and make the contest expire by tomorrow 9 am (local time!).
baagje zegt :
Hi, I have some few questions before i'll show the edited proposal..
1. What is the designation of Elie (e.g. manager, president, CEO, etc)to be placed on the card?
Elie (big)
0483 42 34 28
24h service: 0484 27 44 40
graag tot uw dienst!
2. "according to the printing office all gold needs to be made out of CMYK, thus C:20, M:25, Y:60, K:25."
--Are you sure of this color, because I don't see it as gold but more of a biege, maybe i am color blind? :)
3. "We will go for both backgrounds (depending on the print job), so as here on the left with blue background and white background."
-- Do you want two kinds of business cards, one with white front and back or one with white on front and blue at the back. TWO CARDS AND TWO LOGOS, AS YOU DID EARLIER ONE CARD ALL BLUE BACKGROUND (front and back), ONE CARD ALL WHITE BACKGROUND (front and back), SAME WITH LOGO (O WITH THE MOOSE), ONE LOGO GOLD MOOSE AND WHITE O, ONE LOGO GOLD MOOSE AND DARK BLUE O, IF YOU HAVE TIME TO DO A THIRD ONE, I ALSO LIKE ONE LOGO completely GOLD
3. " The printing office is asking to make clear what needs to get a gloss layer, therefor we need a second file where all gloss (so gold on the front and shaded logo on the back) needs to be put in 100 precent black."
--Please expound more of this. Do you want a separate file on black background? What do you mean by gloss? Do you want me to make it a gradient gold, or just remain on the given cmyk - C:20%, M:25%, Y:60%, K:25%.
AND THE SHADED MOOSE (on the back) IS REPLACED BY 100 precent BLACK. We will not print this second card with the black, but this way the office knows which parts need to be covered with the shiny layer.
Im sorry I find it hard to explain in words, so much easier if you were next to me and I could show you...
Anyway, if any question, just ask. I will keep a sharp eye on my message box. Good night! -
iCONQUER1020 zegt
thank you for your quick reply..I'll try to show you the edited version for your approvel...i an hour or two..
with regards to my contact details, i am not sure if brandsupply.com will allow us to give to the client our email address... but if you will give me yours, i will contact you immediately for you to save my address for your future needs... -
iCONQUER1020 zegt
by the way, I am from the Philippines..
baagje zegt :
Ah lovely, The Philippines. We lived in Australia for 7 years and met a lot of Philippines. So beautiful up there...
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
here's a new look at the logo and a proposed business card as requested. Logo is slightly modified to be more detailed
baagje zegt :
Thank you! Front of card looks great, will decide on the right colour and get back to you asap. We do prefer the first moose, he looked younger, it was more simple and friendlier. Can you put him back please, we fell in love with him. Talk soon
baagje zegt :
Thank you! Front of card looks great, will decide on the right colour and get back to you asap. We do prefer the first moose, he looked younger, it was more simple and friendlier. Can you put him back please, we fell in love with him. Talk soon
iCONQUER1020 zegt
ok...i'll wait for the final colors and then submit the edited version...
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
edited as requested...preview for business card is included
baagje zegt :
Ok, thanks.
We would like to see one side of the business card either dark blue or white, with 'Volt' (inside the O you put the moose in a different colour than the O), underneath the text 'elektrische installaties'. Just play a bit around with the colours and we will give you feedback.
Can you further inform us about the back side. We will add a small text with the contact details, but we don't have a website yet, is it possible for us to add that later? Thanks -
baagje zegt :
Also, we kind of like the line you added to the back of the card, can you play around a bit with this idea? More info to follow, thank you.
baagje zegt :
We would like to start printing the cards next week, have you got time to finish them by then?
iCONQUER1020 zegt
yes..it depends on who and when you declare a winner... If you decide to go with my logo design proposal, i can immediately work on the business card
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
baagje zegt :
thank you!
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
another look
baagje zegt :
Ok nice one, your logo is our favourite so far. We will discuss this on Monday and I get back to you.
Thanks for all your effort,
Aagje -
baagje zegt :
Hi, can you look for another shade of dark blue, I still find it a bit too light. And would like to have a look at the blue with gold, rather then with the beige. Then, we would like to have a look at the possibilities for the card, we are thinking of choosing a dark background on one side, with the name and logo. The other side..not too sure about , it needs all the contact details but we are not sure about how to use the colours. Any suggestion?
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Toelichting van de designer iCONQUER1020:
baagje zegt :
Nice one, thanks! Very strong image.
At the moment we find it a great design for a adventure clothing brand. If the antlers would spark like electricity it would be clear its an electrical business. We would like to see the blue a bit darker and the subline to be bolder.
Thanks a lot for your design, we really like it,
Aagje -
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