Opvallende landingspagina voor ons product! Als voorbereiding op het lanceren via kickstarter
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: HarmKeurhorst
- Categorie: Website design
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 17-06-2020 22:35
- Datum einde : 29-07-2020 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai
- Relevante bestanden:
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 14
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Een tijdje geleden hebben wij ons logo laten ontwerpen (LIF Group) op brandsupply met succes! Aangezien dit goed is bevallen en wij zeer tevreden zijn over het resultaat willen wij een nieuwe wedstrijd organiseren.
We zijn bezig met het ontwerpen van een product, namelijk de LIF Tower, een toren waarin verse kruiden gekweekt en goed gehouden kunnen worden.
Deze toren willen we lanceren via kickstarter, om dit tot een succes te brengen zullen we vooraf onze 'crowd' op moeten zoeken en ons verhaal delen met de wereld.
Hiervoor willen we gebruik maken van een landingspagina. Belangrijk hierbij is dat geïnteresseerden zich in kunnen schrijven voor onze mail list, hiervoor gebruiken wij mailchimp in combinatie met convertfull.
We hebben een website gemaakt in wordpress met een thema als voorbeeld. Hierin staat nu zoveel mogelijk informatie.
Onze wedstrijd is als volgt, we willen een website met 1 pagina, welke duidelijk en overzichtelijk is, welke aanspreekt en de aandacht trekt, bovendien moeten mensen geïnteresseerd raken en inschrijven in onze mailing list.
Start up - LIF Group
Onze startup bestaat uit 3 personen.
We hebben een product bedacht welke wij op de markt willen gaan brengen
- Kantines
- Home cooks
- Restaurants
- Theeschenkerij / lunchrooms
- Thuis kok
- Groenteboer
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Fris, zie logo
Simke zegt
Hello again Harm!
I did changes which you've requested from me. This smooth transition effect is looking nice on some parts, but to be honest becomes very bad around The Project section. I am not a fan of this effect from The Project section till the bottom of the page. But I've sent you just to see how it looks like.
My suggestion is not to use this effect from The Project section.
The basilicum photo is brighter now but I think this is the maximum, otherwise the text won't be visible on it!
If you have more suggestions, let me know.
Kind regards,
Vladimir -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Simke zegt
This is my initial proposal. I hope you will like it. Please do all check ups and let me know if you would like me to change/redo something.
Feel free to comment my work. Every feedback is more than welcomed.
Thank you! -
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
First impression is very good, hopefully we will receive more photos soon so you can implement these. Is everything adjustable and if we would like to edit anything it’s possible? We will discuss the page on Wednesday with the team.
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
First impression is very good, hopefully we will receive more photos soon so you can implement these. Is everything adjustable and if we would like to edit anything it’s possible? We will discuss the page on Wednesday with the team.
Simke zegt
Thank you very much for your rating and feedback! It would be great if you can provide more nice photos. Yes, everything is adjustable. Let me know what you would like me to add or change. I will be waiting your new feedback.
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
I think the first subscribe field needs to stand out, it looks great but should be more notable.
And this subscrition form is usable with mailchimp?
Simke zegt
Ok, I will send you another proposal as soon as possible. For Mailchimp I am not sure because I've never worked with it. I am more UI designer. Is it a problem?
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
I think the first subscribe field needs to stand out, it looks great but should be more notable.
And this subscrition form is usable with mailchimp?
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
Its very important that this works with mail chimp.
How does it work in the end? Do we get the files and we just can install it as a theme in wordpress? -
Simke zegt
In the end I would send you open file(s) which you could use for making a new theme. So if you would like me to design everything on your page, even if you decide to have another page with this one, it is fine. You will always get open files so you can manipulate with it. Is that suitable for you?
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
Ok, but everything should work with wordpress? And with open files you mean we can change things, which program do we need for that?
Simke zegt
Of course, it will work with wordpress if you would know how to use it. Because of this you will get open files which means every element (photo, icon etc.) you can take and save separately and use it in a way suitable for you. This I would provide by sending you AI file (Adobe Illustrator) and psd (Photoshop).
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
Hi Simke, I have talked with the team and we have some remarks and we hope that you can change this.
1. The first subscribe field, we think it would be nicer if there are less squares, so more simple.
2. We think not all parts are in the same style, this is mainly due to the background. For example in the section "Secret of succes" the basilicum picture is very sharp and we think that is disturbing a bit.
3. Is it possible when the background is another picture its faded over to the next background, like more smooth?
4. 1 more question, so the text field can be adjusted by ourselves?
We dont have photoshop or adobe illustrator how can we adjust?
Last but not least we need to figure out how we can implement the subscribe form, the change in language, is there any way you can support us there?
Best regards
Harm -
Simke zegt
Hello Harm!
Thank you for your feedback! Today I am not able to send you new proposal with changes, but I will do it most likely tomorrow or on Saturday.
1) I agree. It will be changed!
2) Would you like me to make this photo to be blurry a bit? Or maybe you would like me to make darker filter and blur photo a bit? If you specifically don't like the photo, I can even change that too.
3) Oh I see. You you wouldn't like to have such sharp transition between sections? Yes, it is possible to be smooth. I will change that too.
4) To answer on this question, it would be helpful for me to know if you have your developer who will make your page to work.
This what I've made is a mockup. The Wordpress developer will make your page by my mockup which I would provide to you. But I see that you wrote in your contest that required format is JPG. To be honest, it doesn't mean to you so much, and specially not to your developer.
Since you don't have neither Illustrator nor Photoshop, I guess the developer would have to have them (or at least one of these). Or if he doesn't, what I would suggest is that I can use my Photoshop and slice all necessary elements for your Wordpress page, and send it to you as zip file. Do you agree with it? So when you get zip, your page will be "in pieces" which developer would need to assemble in Wordpress.
I was making a theme in Wordpress once and I wasn't so great because for making a theme you would need to be really familiar with PHP at least if you want your page work nicely. Unfortunately my knowledge of PHP is not on such a high level. So the person who would make it, should know how to implement the subscribe form, change language etc.
Where I could really support you is design field. So if you would choose my work in the end, I could still help you with this page by designing it. If you are not completely satisfied with any part of it, I would make it differently. For me wouldn't be important if the contest is over, we could cooperate further through our emails. Well, this is how I work with many people in the moment - I am freelancing. So if you would need anything more, please feel free to contact me.
I hope I was clear in spite of writing such a long answer.
Kind regards,
Vladimir -
Simke zegt
Hello Harm!
Thank you for your feedback! Today I am not able to send you new proposal with changes, but I will do it most likely tomorrow or on Saturday.
1) I agree. It will be changed!
2) Would you like me to make this photo to be blurry a bit? Or maybe you would like me to make darker filter and blur photo a bit? If you specifically don't like the photo, I can even change that too.
3) Oh I see. You you wouldn't like to have such sharp transition between sections? Yes, it is possible to be smooth. I will change that too.
4) To answer on this question, it would be helpful for me to know if you have your developer who will make your page to work.
This what I've made is a mockup. The Wordpress developer will make your page by my mockup which I would provide to you. But I see that you wrote in your contest that required format is JPG. To be honest, it doesn't mean to you so much, and specially not to your developer.
Since you don't have neither Illustrator nor Photoshop, I guess the developer would have to have them (or at least one of these). Or if he doesn't, what I would suggest is that I can use my Photoshop and slice all necessary elements for your Wordpress page, and send it to you as zip file. Do you agree with it? So when you get zip, your page will be "in pieces" which developer would need to assemble in Wordpress.
I was making a theme in Wordpress once and I wasn't so great because for making a theme you would need to be really familiar with PHP at least if you want your page work nicely. Unfortunately my knowledge of PHP is not on such a high level. So the person who would make it, should know how to implement the subscribe form, change language etc.
Where I could really support you is design field. So if you would choose my work in the end, I could still help you with this page by designing it. If you are not completely satisfied with any part of it, I would make it differently. For me wouldn't be important if the contest is over, we could cooperate further through our emails. Well, this is how I work with many people in the moment - I am freelancing. So if you would need anything more, please feel free to contact me.
I hope I was clear in spite of writing such a long answer.
Kind regards,
Vladimir -
Simke zegt
Hello Harm!
Thank you for your feedback! Today I am not able to send you new proposal with changes, but I will do it most likely tomorrow or on Saturday.
1) I agree. It will be changed!
2) Would you like me to make this photo to be blurry a bit? Or maybe you would like me to make darker filter and blur photo a bit? If you specifically don't like the photo, I can even change that too.
3) Oh I see. You you wouldn't like to have such sharp transition between sections? Yes, it is possible to be smooth. I will change that too.
4) To answer on this question, it would be helpful for me to know if you have your developer who will make your page to work.
This what I've made is a mockup. The Wordpress developer will make your page by my mockup which I would provide to you. But I see that you wrote in your contest that required format is JPG. To be honest, it doesn't mean to you so much, and specially not to your developer.
Since you don't have neither Illustrator nor Photoshop, I guess the developer would have to have them (or at least one of these). Or if he doesn't, what I would suggest is that I can use my Photoshop and slice all necessary elements for your Wordpress page, and send it to you as zip file. Do you agree with it? So when you get zip, your page will be "in pieces" which developer would need to assemble in Wordpress.
I was making a theme in Wordpress once and I wasn't so great because for making a theme you would need to be really familiar with PHP at least if you want your page work nicely. Unfortunately my knowledge of PHP is not on such a high level. So the person who would make it, should know how to implement the subscribe form, change language etc.
Where I could really support you is design field. So if you would choose my work in the end, I could still help you with this page by designing it. If you are not completely satisfied with any part of it, I would make it differently. For me wouldn't be important if the contest is over, we could cooperate further through our emails. Well, this is how I work with many people in the moment - I am freelancing. So if you would need anything more, please feel free to contact me.
I hope I was clear in spite of writing such a long answer.
Kind regards,
Vladimir -
HarmKeurhorst zegt :
Hi Vladimir,
Thanks for your respons, that is perfect.
2. The background is too dark we think.
3. Correct
4. We would like to design our own page in Wordpress as this shouldn't be too difficult with a bit of help, and we were hoping that the person who will win this competition would help us.
JPG was selected by accident, so probably we need the other formats.
Your proposal about sending the files in pieces and in a zip files looks perfect, but can we adjust text for example or do we need to do this in wordpress?
Its good to know you will keep supporting and think together with us, thats nice of you!
Best regards,
Harm Keurhorst -
Simke zegt
I used to work with many clients, plus I like what I do, so I am always ready to help.
For adjusting the text, I think you shouldn't be worried. Why? Well because once you have final version of the text for your page, you can adjust it in Wordpress with plugins installed. For example, Elementor plugin is very popular. Of course, the workflow will depend on the developer who would make your page, which means that he could choose any other plugin and make the page as you want.
Even if you want to use this text which I put on my proposal, I could send you in a doc file.
If you have more questions, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Vladimir -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.