Bedrijfsnaam voor een eigentijdse Dietisten praktijk
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: PTC
- Categorie: Bedrijfsnaam
- Totaal budget: € 229.00
- Datum start : 27-12-2016 18:16
- Datum einde : 03-01-2017 18:14
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 152
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Enkele belangrijke punten:
1. Eigentijds en vooral niet oud bollig.
2. Trefwoorden, Fris, eigentijds, opvallend, goed te onthouden.
3. vrije domeinnaam, vrije naam om te registreren bij KvK
4. ALs je de naam hoort... raak je getriggert.
5. Ook houden wij ons bezig met lifestyle, sport, figuurcorrectie van afvallen tot bodybuilding...
6. Dietisten zijn gediplomeerd
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer Némo:
Free domaines and OMPI
Learn to regulate your diet (Feat fit+eat) and physical activity (Fitness), to achieve your ideal weight (go) safely -
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Toelichting van de designer Némo:
free domaines and OMPI
This method is not a nth regimen!
Smeal'Up: Nutrition advice (meal / eating / meal ...) that gives you the smile. A serious and modern method, based on a balanced nutrition and a sporting activity (Smile UP / UP evokes the movement, to go higher, to excel, to evoke the action of eating better, to slim down efficiently in the good humor, UP, the Sport, training, overtaking, compensation, etc.) -
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Toelichting van de designer Némo:
free domaines et OMPI
Ability advice combining balanced nutrition, adapted diet (eat / abileat) and training (ability = sporting capacities) to regain, its physical balance (weight loss, monitored and compensated)
- touches emotion and security: Savant, intelligent, full of experience
- evokes skillful advice, wise and by extension skillfully manage its nutrition (40/30/30 ...)
- physical skill (flexibility, sport ...) & mental ability (intelligence, intelligent eating ...)
- empower and rehabilitate: restore in its first state, in its prerogatives ... a council that rehabilitates nutrition ... a method that returns to the sources ... The most compared to other methods!
2) -
PTC zegt :
I like the thought behind it, thanks for your effort!
Némo zegt
Thank you for your encouraging comment. I will consider your anotations and explore other ideas. Happy New Year holidays to you and your loved ones. Cordially
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Toelichting van de designer Némo:
Free all domains and ompi and inpi
The association of dietetics + ethics + coach
Coach encompasses advice and training
Ethics strengthens the professional, serious
Diet refers simply and effectively to the area of competence -
PTC zegt :
I like not to use the words diet and training and coaching... or anymore like this..
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