Ontwerp een huisstijl voor een interieurwinkel in interieurmerk
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
De winkel heet ‘Vier’, als in ons huisnummer, maar ook als in ‘het vieren van…’. De naam Vier mag voluit geschreven worden, maar mag ook het cijfer 4 zijn.
We hebben hiervoor een complete huisstijl nodig, welk minimaal zal moeten bestaan uit:
- Logo
- Briefpapier
- Enveloppen
- Visitekaartjes
We hebben zelf nog niet echt ideeën over het logo en de huisstijl, dus wij laten ons graag verrassen. Als het past binnen de design meubelbranche, zijn we al een heel eind op weg.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hi Jaimy,
attached a version with a modified "R", hope you like this better.
Best regards, Dagmar -
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Jaimy zegt :
Thanks for the designs. We like this stationary best from your designs. Also we like what you dit with the V.
We think the R could be a bit more simple, this is very outspoken. Not sure it's the way we want to go, but if you want to give it a try, that would be nice. -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hi Jaimy,
thanks for your message. Attached a different design & color combination, that you might like better. Let me know, if you like to see further adjustements,
kind regards, Dagmar -
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VirtualLies zegt
Forgot to mention that the font I used is a free font, so you could use it for your website ;) regards, Dagmar
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hi Jaimy,
attached some color combinations and a first layout for an according housestyle.
Colors of the housestyle can be changed depending on which color combination you might prefer,
best regards, Dagmar -
Jaimy zegt :
Hi Dagmar,
Thanks for the different colors. We found that it could be better if the letters VIER are darker than the detail from the 4. (as you did in a former design).
We like the colors to be a bit grey, as you already do. Yellow is a difficult color for the website.
Regards Jaimy -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Two more variations ;) Kind regards, Dagmar
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Jaimy zegt :
Hi Dagmar!
We like this 'clean and simple' logo the best from your designs. Like the font, but would like to see some different color combinations. Is that also possible?
Jaimy -
Jaimy zegt :
Also one more question. Did you change the font very much yourselve, or is it still also usable for a website? (webfont, Google font?)
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Good morning Jaimy,
thank you for your feedback and rating. Attached a revision of my first proposal with a different lettertype, that might fit the design better and also a new concept idea for the design. Looking forward to hear your opinion on these,
kind regards, Dagmar -
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Jaimy zegt :
Mooi beeldmerk! We vinden het ronde lettertype niet helemaal bij het vierkant passen. Zou je hierop kunnen variëren? Of alles rond of alles vierkant?
Jaimy zegt :
Excuse my Dutch ;-)
Nice image brand! We find the rounded font not quite match the square. Is it possible to make this more uniform? Or all round or all square? -
Jaimy zegt :
And I forgot to say, that we do not prefer subtitel like 'furniture store'. ;-)
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