Rebranding huisstijl internationaal TV productiehuis

Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons

  • Wedstrijd van: Bloomingmedia
  • Categorie: Huisstijl
  • Totaal budget: € 229.00
  • Datum start : 25-08-2016 15:15
  • Datum einde : 28-08-2016 15:13
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 56
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


We need a NEW corporate identity because our target audience is expanded to kids "and" youth" (from 0 to 24 years old). Before it was only kids (until 12 years old).

Why blooming media: Curiosity killed the cat.
We believe that the key to a fun and happy live is curiosity.

How do we work: We translate good stories into great "fiction" formats that stimulate your imagination.

What we do?
Our formats: are produced for TV, film and video platforms
Our team: is fun, energetic and heart-felt
Our main goal: that our target audiences want to share our content.
If you care, you share!



We -Blooming media- represent a new wave of independent production companies reinventing the traditional way of producing TV formats.
We are focussed on the production of "fiction" content to reach younger audiences.

Current website:


Our viewers: Kids & youth.
Our clients: broadcasters and video platforms.
Our partners: sponsors

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

our logo needs to pop on screen and print. (doesn't have to be in color). Our logo will be at the end of our shows, so in a split second you will need to remember it:)
We like our current flower (trade mark), so if we can keep that. Would be great. See our current

We-Do Graphiz
  • Huisstijl # 638259 voor Rebranding huisstijl internationaal TV productiehuis  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Huisstijl # 638258 voor Rebranding huisstijl internationaal TV productiehuis  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Huisstijl # 637906 voor Rebranding huisstijl internationaal TV productiehuis  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer We-Do Graphiz:

      here you are! I hope you like it!
      For any request do not hesitate to contact me.

      Have a good day!

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