logo for business cards & website, for Loekintofood (see www.loekintofood.com)
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: Loekintofood
- Categorie: Illustratie, Tekening, Kledingopdruk
- Totaal budget: € 129.00
- Datum start : 25-03-2017 22:46
- Datum einde : 20-04-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 105
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
See my company description below (www.loekintofood.com):
How does what we eat impact our health? This entails designing nutrition science, and understanding what its outcomes mean - and not mean.
How to apply such understanding to better health - how to make it land on our plates? This may happen via food & diet composition, guiding (re)formulation, truthful & meaningful claims & medical foods, regulatory aspects, nutrition policies, communications, trainings
lt is around these questions that Loekintofood offers expertise, insights and other inputs. (test)
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer birabanor:
Here's 4 different propositions after reading your comment. #1 is with a fantasy font, #2 and #3 is with a sans serif font and #4 is with a serif font.
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Loekintofood zegt :
well done. esthetic and subtle. It could be tree, or bunch of grapes etc - cute. Could work more with the font maybe. perhaps blue/ wate can be included, and or yellow sun / and/or red fruitr? And "understanding nutrition" would be good to include - perhaps underneath instead of web addresss
Loekintofood zegt :
I still like yours, well done. esthetic and subtle. It could be tree, or bunch of grapes etc - cute. Could work more with the font maybe. perhaps blue/ wate can be included, and or yellow sun / and/or red fruitr? And "understanding nutrition" would be good to include - perhaps underneath instead of web addresss
Loekintofood zegt :
I still like yours, well done. esthetic and subtle. It could be tree, or bunch of grapes etc - cute. Could work more with the font maybe. perhaps blue/ wate can be included, and or yellow sun / and/or red fruitr? And "understanding nutrition" would be good to include - perhaps underneath instead of web addresss
Loekintofood zegt :
I still like yours, well done. esthetic and subtle. It could be tree, or bunch of grapes etc - cute. Could work more with the font maybe. perhaps blue/ wate can be included, and or yellow sun / and/or red fruitr? And "understanding nutrition" would be good to include - perhaps underneath instead of web addresss
birabanor zegt
Hi sorry I wasn't available recently, but i'll work on this today, if still ok.
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.