Catchy logo requested for active, adventurous work vacations
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: AWorkation
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 100.00
- Datum start : 19-03-2016 17:37
- Datum einde : 02-04-2016 17:32
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 192
Respons opdrachtgever:
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Website copy: You like extreme sports, you're active, and adventures? You work hard and would like to take a few days off to go extreme, but you’re too busy working. Book AWorkation (work vacation) where you will spend your day partly working, partly being active, adventurous and going extreme, all with like minded people. We make sure you will enjoy your productive and adventurous vacation without having to worry about anything else except bringing your laptop.
Inpirational words: Extreme, Exclusive, Beyond, Sports, Sportive, Work, Vacation, Addiction, Adventure, Venture, Journey, Active, Workation, Travel, Exciting, Free, Away, Action.
Maybe you can think of doing something nice with the words Active / Adventurous / Amazing in the logo because of the A in AWorkation?
Active and Adventurous Workation
A Workation is a company who will organise work vacations combined with active, adventurous and extreme sports (kitesurfing, surfing, diving, skydiving, mountainbiking, snowboarding etc etc)
Target group:
- Self employed, entrepreneurs, business owners, freelancers.
- Mainly man. Age between 30 - 55.
- Like (extreme) sports, being active and adventurous.
- Hard working, spend a lot of time with laptop.
- Mix between single, married, divorced and with or without children.
- More than average income
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Inspirational logo’s I like:
logoman zegt
here you go without the A.
I thought it was cool to put "action" inside the W, it gives more energy and dynamics
to the design. -
AWorkation zegt :
Yeah, this looks amazing! I'm super satisfied with three logo's I received and will have my friend take a look at them and will make my decision soon!! I think you did a great job, thank you for that!
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Toelichting van de designer logoman:
hereby the logos with your comments.
Let me know if you're happy :)
Cheers -
AWorkation zegt :
Thanks for this.
Top version: I think Active workation doesn't look that good as Active is much smaller. Can you make them ending at the same ends? Here you can see he has done that really well by having active written a bit bigger..
Lower version: Please delete the word and and the a in front of workation - so it's active workation
Thank you in advance!! -
AWorkation zegt :
I just see it now, but the A also needs to be deleted in the top version, so it's not aworkation but just workation..
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logoman zegt
hereby the logo in black & white and also with a photo background like i did for the very first logo.
AWorkation zegt :
Great, I will send out the email and hope to have feedback from others soon :) Thank you for this!!
AWorkation zegt :
Hey! I was wondering if you could maybe make a version with active workation instead of adventurous / active and adventurous workation, as I think this word might just fit a bit better with the company and thats the one I should stick with.. Especially for the second one I wonder if it's going to be too small (the sentence) So maybe we should have the letters a bit further apart or so, I don't know.. Hope it would work out as you're my top three of favorite ones I'm discussing with my friends :)
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Toelichting van de designer logoman:
thanks for your feedback and rating.
I personally prefer the above one, the logo works better when
it has two words max. not more..
Let me know what you think
Best, -
AWorkation zegt :
I agree with your opinion, it should have max 2 words, much better than 3 words! The A in front of workation should be deleted though ;-)
I do kind of like the lower one as well, so I will discuss both of them over dinner with some friends and send them over to some others to see their opinion, and I will come back to you :) Thanks so far, I feel like I'm getting there! -
AWorkation zegt :
There are two other logo's I like, and I requested them to create the logo with a different background as well, to get a better view of how it looks on a white and photo background. Could you do the same, so I can ask my friends for their opinion and they will also get a good view of your logo. So they can start voting :)
See those links for the compitetion and how they delivered their logo to me, white background, black background and photo background.. :) Hope to receive something from you. Thanks in advance! -
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AWorkation zegt :
Yeah, this is quite cool as well. I just sent you a message on your first logo, as I was discussing the logo's with some friends to get some feedback from them. In this version I don't think Active really fits in as it's so small but maybe without Active it would look better..
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AWorkation zegt :
It's funny, as this is totally what I had in mind when I started this, so you totally got what I was saying, but I don't think it's really nice. I've been totally wrong but like your last one much, much better so hope you can see if my last comments would work for you and have something amazing.. I'm suddenly totally excited haha! Thanks for your work!
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AWorkation zegt :
Great, thank you in advance for this, I think you get what I want. Although I absolutely prefer the bolder fonts of before beter than this.. And I think it's better to have Workation underneath it so you will get something like
Active and Adventurous workation..
You know what I mean? -
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logoman zegt
thanks for your feedback.
I kept the idea with the letters A and D that i had at the first logos.
Feel free to give me your feedback.
AWorkation zegt :
Thanks for the new proposal but I don't want to change the 'company name' haha.. I would like to have the words Adventurous / Active as part of the logo, but Workation should for sure stay the main part..
AWorkation zegt :
I do like the idea with the letters A and D which I would love to keep that way. And I like the font etc, so thats all going well :)
Can you maybe write it more in this way:
Big A in front
besides it smaller
Workation as main thing below those words
Maybe delete the work hard play hard as it might become too much..
What do you think? Would this work? -
logoman zegt
Ops i missed your comment, i posted a new logo at the same time..
I'll work on your new comments. -
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AWorkation zegt :
Thanks for sending me this logo, although I must say I like the last one better just with the comments I gave. I prefered the colours, bold letters and design better from the previous one..
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AWorkation zegt :
Thank you for your effort. I do kind of like this, but as I'm also focusing on the extreme sports I would like to see that a bit more in the wordplay as well.
Thats why I thought it would be nice to see something with words like Active, Adventurous, Amazing to play with with the big A in front of Workation.
I do also like the '' a lot, between A and W..
Anything you could imporove with this?
Thank you so much! -
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AWorkation zegt :
Although I don't like a white or black logo it's great you're showing me how this would work out too. Thank you for this!
AWorkation zegt :
Ok, my friends are fan of this design haha. I was wondering if you can make some slight changes so it would be a bit better for me, hope you can :)
Please take a look at the following link and his logo's:;
Can you make this, but instead of the V the W and instead of the line in between the A and the W have the line made out the following sentence (really thin of course)
amazing - active - adventurous workation
What do you think, this could be really cool no? -
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