Clean logo for Horse Therapy Business
Wedstrijd gegevens:
The logo needs to be very simple and clean. I have almost exactly in mind how I want it to look, see the image(s) attached. I am still doubting about weather the image needs to be a very clean sort of triangle (black example), or a more horsy icon in a circle.. (blue example).
I would like the image above the words:
- image -
The words need to be aligned so they use exactly the same width, and the image needs to be big enough so the words don't 'over power'.
The image of the horse needs to be without eyes. I prefer only the contour. The horse in the image with the black triangle looks a bit weird to me, so feel free to use a better looking horse contour ;)
I want to add 1 very important thing to the symbol, there needs to be a "salt cloud" in front of the horse at the height of it's nose. Not very clear, but for example just a circle with blurred edges a bit lighter, that suggest a vapor of salty air in front of the horse.
I don't like the stars in the blue example attached. But, they could be dots more centered around the nose of the horse.. suggesting the salty air.
Thanks for considering my design contest!
Hopefully my idea is a bit clear. If you have any questions, please ask!
I'm looking forward to your cool designs!
Equine Salt provides a therapy for horses were salt is used to cleanse their respiratory system (lungs & airways). The horse has to stand in a room were salty air is blown into, they simply breath that in. This therapy is also used for humans with asthma or bronchitis.
Horse owner. From hobby riders to international sport.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
For the colors I am thinking not to dark.. so no black. The salt therapy is focused on the airway. When I think of salt and air, colors like silver, white, grey, ice blue etc. come to mind. Feel free to experiment with them! Or convince me of another color pallet.
The text EQUINE SALT needs to be in a very simple and clear font. No curly letters. See attached font example.
Axel Sonnet
Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@Marly, Silver version
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Marly , here is my design, with this horse / leaf /wave that symbolises harmony with natural therapy.
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @Marly , here is my design, with this horse / leaf /wave that symbolises harmony with natural therapy.
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