deelco, international, business development, consulting
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van:
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 75.00
- Datum start : 06-05-2012 17:49
- Datum einde : 20-05-2012 17:43
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,aipng
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 74
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Main exposure will be trough business cards, so the experience and likeability must be high (people from my network should remember deelco).
deelco is a young and dynamic company involved in international business development (consulting).
Keywords :
Business Development
Business Consultant
Business Development Consultant
International business
International Business Consultant
Product placement
Market development
Project management
(if you want additional explanations or input, please drop me an email)
logo to be used on business card (main goal)
As Customer you can consider:
- international operating businesses
- investors
- entepreneurs
- inventors
- governments
- lobyists
- aviation industry
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Colors: Red, Blue (& white), or any other color that adds to the logo
Looking for a modern, clean, professional and luxery logo.
Ryde Style
Toelichting van de designer Ryde Style:
Hope this is the one...:-)
V1: Darker blue, integrated globe
V2: Lighter blue, globe offset from the triangles.
Jeff | Ryde Style -
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Toelichting van de designer Ryde Style:
Like this...? Logo is on top and bottom aligned with the text, looks better.
- zegt :
thanks, no that is not what I meant, I was afraid it is hard to explain. Think of cutting a square from corner to corner, so you have 2 triangles instead of 2 rectangles (which you have now). Does that make sense?
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Toelichting van de designer Ryde Style:
Dear Deelco,
New/improved logo; Lighter blue and the lower/right quarter of the planet.
Looking forward to get feedback
Jeff - zegt :
Thanks Jeff, Very Nice. lower quarter of the globe is ok. Can you adjust the 4 sides of the "square" by cuting them in half. may be difficult to explain, but for example on the left red "square" cut in half from top to bottom and remove the left side. if you do this for all 4 sides, you have more or less 4 triangles, pointing more sharply from left botom to right top (hope this makes sense to you, I did some expirementing myself, so I have a sample but don't know how to send it to you.
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Toelichting van de designer Ryde Style:
Dear Deelco,
Thanks for the rating as well as the good feedback.
I changed the font; Less square but still very strong, dynamic, unique and professional.
The payoff is written in a neutral font.Otherwise is will be too much.
Colour blue is a bit more bright.
Good to read from a distance and clear in b/w as well.
PS: If your main market is Asia we can consider to use the lower right quarter of the planet...
Looking forward to receive feedback.
Jeff -
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Toelichting van de designer Ryde Style:
2nd option,
quarter planet is integrated into the sqaure.
Jeff | Ryde Style - zegt :
Thanks Jeff, From the 5 options you gave me, I like the quarter planet integrated in the square. The color blue might be a little more bright in characters and square. Different more dynamic type of characters like MariaLouise or Orange Design used. Characters vary thickness like the first 3 options you provided are ok. Change Consultancy by Business Development. Thanks and regards, deelco
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Toelichting van de designer Ryde Style:
Dear Deelco,
Hereby my three logo proposals; A serious logo with a dynamic touch (Charachters vary in thickness)
I made 3 options for the icon:
1: control/check/advise
2: advise/involve humans
3: operating worldwide.
Looking forward to receive feedback
Best regards,
Jeff | Ryde Style
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