Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations

Wedstrijd gegevens:

  • Wedstrijd van: germanshugenholtz
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Totaal budget: € 225.00
  • Datum start : 22-03-2016 11:29
  • Datum einde : 29-04-2016 11:24
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 142
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


We, Fedde Germans en Nathalie Hugenholtz, have recently started to work together and would like have a company logo designed for our company: Germans @ Hugenholtz. Allthough this name (our last names) may sound classic and the names may form a substantial part of our logo, we would like to give it an additional touch through a recognisable image or symbol in our logo. E.g. by merging the G and the H or an image which reflects the services and philosophy of our company.


We facilitate personal and organisational growth by buildig on allready existing qualities, talents and potential (in contrast to most companies how start with fixing a problem instead of identifying what already works great and making that even bigger). So being innovative by using existing quality and potential is what we breath and radiate.

Services we offer:

Personal growth through:
• Incompany as well as open subscription courses, focussed on self consiousness and personal effectiveness.
• Individual coaching

Organisational development through:
• Vision and strategy development through co-creation (a methodology in whcih everyone participates) and a combination of hard and soft skills.
• Multi stakeholder cooperation (inter)nationally with the intention for buildign long term partnerships between communities andf/or organisations.
• Incompany training focussed on working together, leadership and communication


Target Group
Personal development:
Everyone who has a development question related to relations, work, family.

Organisational development:
Every organisation who focusses on starting the change by including all layers of the company (even suppliers) for dreaming, formulating and implementing that change.

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

We have a strong prefference for a straight, minimalistic, timeless, warm and active design.

As all our services are baded upon enlarging allready existing quality, value and potential, it would be great if our logo would radiate that phylosophy.

Preffered colors: (off) white, dark blue and/or dark grey, (soft) orange en/or old green.

We are looking for a suitable and catchy subtitle for our company which reflects our phylosophy. Sop please surprise us!


  • Logo # 602312 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 596052 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer update:

      So, i hope that it's the good logo because i've not your comment in front of a logo.... i mke the orange more red, and I think "Germans &
      Hugenholtz" next to the letters is more serious.

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  • Logo # 596051 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 595939 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer update:

      I prefer in blue...

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  • Logo # 595938 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 595935 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer update:

      Like this ?

    2. germanshugenholtz zegt :

      way better. Font is perfect. What do you think? Maybe it is better to align our name with the logo?
      The blue is good. Is the orange possible slightly towards red instead of brown?

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  • Logo # 595934 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 595872 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer update:

      the same font as "Germans & Hugenholtz"

    2. germanshugenholtz zegt :

      Better! Can the blue be more blue and a lighter orange? And we prefer the Avenir next regular font.

    3. germanshugenholtz zegt :

      For the colors: Can it be like
      And then the Orange office picture.

      Another option is with Orange and gray.

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  • Logo # 595868 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 595867 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 595833 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. update zegt

      Here my propositions. Don't hesitate to give me your feeling to evolve your logo.
      best regards

    2. germanshugenholtz zegt :

      And we would like Capitals as well as a font which we can use in our reports, powerpoint etc. Can you suggest a few?

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  • Logo # 595832 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. germanshugenholtz zegt :

      We like this one! Can we do something with the colors? Darkblue and orange would be our preference.

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  • Logo # 595831 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo # 595830 voor Design a logo and subtitle for a coaching/training company whose mission is to develop talent, quality and value within individuals or oganisations wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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