Sjors Janssen, mindful training and coaching
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
I don't help people who work in organizations to solve their problems. Instead I focus on the way they perceive their reality. I train and coach people who work in organizations how to start thinking differently: I challenge them to investigate their paradigms. I am a "think"-advisor.
Often, by perceiving a thought or feeling differently, a "problem" vanishes.
people (employees and managers)who work in medium to bigger organizations.
Who are stressed-out, want more grip and more peace of mind.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
i do not want the obvious mindfulness touch and feel. Neither the management consulting one. The logo and name design should be off-the-wall, but still spot on when it comes to prospective clients understanding my service offer.
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