ESRAS is looking for a logo
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
More info & style can be found on (website under construction).
The name should stand separate from the logo. The logo should be recognizable so as to be used without text if required.
ref our website
Business leaders, CXO's, strategists
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
The name should stand separate from the logo. The logo should be recognizable so as to be used without text if required.
We need info re font and colour scheme accompanying the logo. For text font we use "proxima nova".
The logo should be usable on white as well as dark background. 2 versions serving those needs are acceptable.
We need a logo with tag line and without tag line. The tag line is "empowering corporate foresight"
We also would like to obtain a version which can be pasted on whatever background, ie a version with a "transparent" background ?.
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