Inside out Outside in
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: marievecraste
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 329.00
- Datum start : 24-03-2017 20:41
- Datum einde : 31-03-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 83
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Het logo zal worden gebruikt voor communicatie in nieuwsbrieven, daarnaast internationaal gebruikt worden omdat we de uitkomsten van dit project gaan delen met scholen, bedrijven en overheidsinstellingen in Europa.
Bijgevoegd een voorbeeld van een logo/huisstijl die ons aanspreekt en waarbij we denken dat dit ook jongeren aanspreekt. Een soort van doolde-logo. Liefst met pijlen, gericht op de toekomst (hersenen/boeken) van jongeren. Niet een strak logo met letters, maar meer beeldend uitgedrukt. Voorkeur voor kleuren van het logo van erasmus+ (bijgevoegd). Deze twee logo's worden samen gebruikt in communicatie naar buiten toe.
Het logo graag met een transparante ondergrond.
Engelse vertaling:
Develop a logo for the European Erasmus + project Outside In, Inside out. The project will run for two years with partners from Finland, England and Austria. The soul of the project is to introduce young people to the labour market so that they make good career choices. This is the starting point: Outside in: the world of work is starting point, Inside out: the school will prepare young people better for on your way to work.
The logo will be used for communication in newsletters, in addition be used internationally because we will be sharing the results of this project with schools, businesses and Government agencies in Europe. Attached an example of a logo/house style that appeals to us and which we think this also appeals to young people. A kind of doodle-logo. Preferably with arrows, focused on the future (brain/books) by young people. Not a business logo with letters, but more Visual expressed. Preference for colors of the logo of erasmus + (attached). These two logos are used together in communication to the outside world. The logo with a transparent background.
De gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
We kiezen het logo op maandag 3 april
Europese partners
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
zie logo Graz
zie kleuren en logo Erasumus+
Letterype lijkend op het logo Benevolent...
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Here is print on card sheet paper/t-shirt, wall / glass signage and rubber stamping on cloth presentation of your logo design for your visualisation.
This will give you a clear idea of how your logo will appear when used on various platforms. -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hi marivecraste,
Good Evening!
Here is the design update.
Have introduced the graduation cap in the design.
Have provided with color variations for the orange shade.
Have given number to the design so when you decide you can just select the number and let me know your choice.
Awaiting your response,
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hi marivecraste,
Here is one more design for you.
Very simple yet strong logo.
The design symbolises that it is the right choice to be involved with your group. The text in the orange color shows the simple and straight forward flow stating Outside In, Inside out.
Awaiting your response,
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hi marivecraste,
Good Evening!
Here is your design with updated color and print presentation.
Awaiting your response,
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Print Presentation of your logo Design for your visualization.
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Rusty_Saffir zegt
Hi marivecraste,
Good Evening!
Here is my design for your Logo.
Have kept the design simple, clean and attractive.
The arrow shows the flow. ( in this case the flow of knowledge and information from the world and from your group towards the student). Have added the elements showing the term "Outside in, Inside out".
Have added the globe in the upper part of design that shows the world market knowledge flowing in towards students.
Have provided the design in 3 variations.
1) Multiple colours
2) Two colors like the Erasmus + ( Cost effective option for printing purposes)
3) Dark and light Grey Shade
Awaiting your response,
Kind Regards,
Rusty -
marievecraste zegt :
Love it! Is it possible to make the arrows in a blue color, because the logo of our municipality is blue (two shades, see our profile). I especially like the first one...
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Will update the colors. -
Rusty_Saffir zegt
Could you give me the link to the profile so i can match the colors
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