Interior designer & blogger seeks logo
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: Mint&Mocha
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 250.00
- Datum start : 19-11-2013 17:02
- Datum einde : 19-12-2013 16:54
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
- Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 113
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
The logo should be clean, simpel yet reflect the creative line of business I am in. The logo should be versatile enough to use for future other business spin-offs such as on-/offline shop and products that I might develop
I am an interior designer and blogger with a love for scandinavian interiors. clean and simpel basics yet with a colorfull and playful touch. Kids interiors have a special interest.
everyone in the age of 25-75 with the interest of making their house a home
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
not to girly or frilly, nor to masculine. preferably no real objects in the logo.
the name or a simpel symbol should be used with different subscripts such as ' blog' or 'interiors'
Toelichting van de designer Marjolein:
A new proposition, looking forward to your feedback!
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Toelichting van de designer Marjolein:
A nice and clean logo, using the colours from the name of the blog. Subscript addings like "blog" and "interior" are easily intergrated as you can see. Looking forward to your reaction! With kind regards, M. Peeters
Mint&Mocha zegt :
Hi Marjolein, thank you so much for your submission. It is indeed clean and simpel, but unfortunately not what I am looking for. It is mainly the lettertype that seems a bit to hard and the fading in the entire logo. Thanks again!
Marjolein zegt
The fading is just the way I like to present my logo's, so that will be removed ofcourse. I will make a new proposition for you with a different font.
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