Logo - Blog - Classic/basic with a nice eye catcher!
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Thank you for opening my assignment to create a logo for my blog.
Unfortunately I just lost my job but I see this as an opportunity to start my dream.
I'm happily married and mother of a son who is now 1,5 years old and I'm also pregnant of a second boy! So a lot of inspiration to share on the blog.
I have a big passion for photography and love to be creative, beside this I like to share my life with the world. The reason to start a blog, "MINI AND ME" by Sharon
After the blog I want to add a webshop to the site with basics clothing for baby boys. I notice during the baby time of my son I missed a lot of simple basics for a good price. BUT first I will start my blog.
LOGO - "MINI AND ME" by Sharon
The logo needs to be very clear, I like to see a logo that includes a cool font for the name of the blog: "MINI AND ME" by Sharon
Artwork like a carton/drawing etc is not necessary but if you think it will add something to the logo, I'm totally open for your ideas. The font needs to be a real eye catcher but the title needs to be clear and well readable. My style is classic but with a trendy finishing touch. Basic is my middle name but always with a nice eye catcher. You will find this in my fashion style, photography and personal lifestyle. For my logo I wish the same ingredients.
I wish you all good luck and I'm looking forward to your creations.
Mothers or mothers to be and everybody who loves children, food, travel and fashion.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer studiocamosci:
blue refers to boys. trendy font (according to me). the star contains three M's. two minis and me...?
Shaki zegt :
Thank you for your design. I like the idea of the star but can you place the star in front of my name or maybe you have other options. Can you also make it a little bigger and keep some space between the M's so you can see the star is made by M's. I like to see the star less sharp and the color light blue. The font of the logo is to fancy for me I like it really basic/simple/clean/elegant. For the signature I like handwriting style or calligraphy and put it a little slanting instead of straight. Looking forward to the next step. Good luck!
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Shaki zegt :
Thank you for your design but this logo is to girly for me, I will have two boys ;-) Keep it more simple and please without colors. Thank you and good luck!
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