Logo for iBOZZmy
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
iBOZZmy is a new to launch brand for electronic equipment like TV, tablets, smartphones, surveillance cameras and so on.
The i is standing for internet or inter connectivity. The BOZZmy is standing for a strong independent brand ...... something like I am my own BOZZ ..... I BOZZ MYSELF .....
I am looking for a logo and a great punch line ...... I like to work with the following color code to be part of the logo ..... HEX # 93D9F8 ...... we are currently working on the website from the mother company so you can see the house style of the mother company at www.jelzhen.com.
I am looking for the great logo design and great punch line.
The i is standing for internet or inter connectivity. The BOZZmy is standing for a strong independent brand ...... something like I am my own BOZZ ..... I BOZZ MYSELF .....
I am looking for a logo and a great punch line ...... I like to work with the following color code to be part of the logo ..... HEX # 93D9F8 ...... we are currently working on the website from the mother company so you can see the house style of the mother company at www.jelzhen.com.
I am looking for the great logo design and great punch line.
Watch the parents company website www.jelzhen.com ..... it is still under construction but you can see the style and direction .....
from 10+ to 50+
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Color logo based on HEX # 93D9F8 combined with black - white and darker colors like HEX # 33B7F1.
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