Logo for software recruitment and relocation company
Wedstrijd gegevens:
It should be related to IT recruitment and relocation. I like to keep it simple clear and geeky! I added an example, but you can always surprise me with other designs. Company colours are olive green hex code #808000 and black.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer sel.in:
Hi Besa,
here is my new design for your logo.
I'm looking forward to your feedback.
Kind regards,
Sel.in -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Toelichting van de designer sel.in:
Hi Beska,
here is my logodesign for you. i've made 3 different versions of the logo and also a mockup of the businesscards and social media (ex. facebook).
The shape of the hexagon would be a great element to work with maybe for following projects. for example the businesscard could be in the shape af an hexagon which would make them more inventive.
i'm looking forward to your feedback.
kind regards,
sel.in -
Beska zegt :
Thank you for the design. I guess I didnt fill in the right details. But the company name is DutchIT Recruitment and under that it should be written Recruitment & Relocation. I also added an attachment to give an example what im expecting or preferring.
Besa -
sel.in zegt
Thank you very much for your feedback.
I will work on the new design immediately.
Kind regards,
Sel.in -
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