Logo for software recruitment and relocation company
Wedstrijd gegevens:
It should be related to IT recruitment and relocation. I like to keep it simple clear and geeky! I added an example, but you can always surprise me with other designs. Company colours are olive green hex code #808000 and black.
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SMG zegt
Hi, thanks for the ratings. If you want to make any changes or modifications please let me know. Thank you!!!!
Beska zegt :
I see the colours I want to use for my site. But it doesnt say anything about software development, recruitment, connecting expats or relocation. So this is not really what im looking for. Thank you for the effort.
SMG zegt
Actually I have created concepts only around the puzzle shape according to your reference image. If you extend the deadline or give me a chance to work more on your project I will definitely fulfill your expectations about the logo i.e. software development, connecting, recruitment etc. Thanks, Have a nice day!!
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Toelichting van de designer SMG:
Simple, Catchy and Professional logo as per your requirements. Please give your feedback and feel free to suggest any changes or modifications, Thank you!
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