Logo voor Brabants handelshuis
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
Wij zijn een bedrijf die goederen in en verkoopt vanuit faillissementen, bedrijfsbeëindiging, partijgoederen.
Bedrijven, verkopers, curators, pariculieren etc.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Naar eigen inzicht
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Toelichting van de designer lyra:
Hi Royal, here is my concept for your logo based on the letters "b" and "h" [placed in the the upper part of the "b"]
The design is clean, simple, minimal, suitable for online and offline media. It works great at all sizes and on different backgrounds and materials, in black-and-white and different colors, according to your wishes.
Your feedback in Dutch or English is welcome.
Please, don't forget to enlarge/click on the image to see the actual colors and details of the logo and the presentation files.
Best regards,
Lyra -
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