Logo/monogram gevraagd voor Kidsandyou.nl opvoedondersteuning en begeleiding met persoonlijke aanpak
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
Na veel wikken en wegen is de keuze op de naam Kidsandyou gevallen om dit ook daar mee weer te geven. Ook is er doelbewust voor een engelse benaming gegeven om daarmee ook buitenlandse ouders en kinderen aan te spreken.
Graag een logo wat er fris en strak uit ziet wat ook goed als favicon er uit komt.
het betreft de website Kidsandyou.nl
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
primaire kleur #6b97bf
dit is gelijk aan de knop op het de begin pagina
ajs zegt :
Thank you. I like the simplicity but not the shapes of the figures. A little to pointy
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ajs zegt :
Like the concept and simplicity but it makes me think to much of flowers.
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ajs zegt :
like the simplicity, but not what we are looking for.
don't like the pointy arms -
MiliG zegt
Thanks for your feedback ...couldn't upload the one without pointing ... i mean i reworked and made it round but the time zone different from your country to my country and the time of contest elapsed and i couldn't upload them ....if you want to see how it looks then please give your email address i can show you there...thanks
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ajs zegt :
looks more like a boat, or swimming
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ajs zegt :
looks more like something for a fightschool
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ajs zegt :
looks more like something for a fightschool
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Toelichting van de designer MiliG:
Here is my work for your new visual identity. You can see the files in good quality by clicking on the images.
I bring my experience in graphic design to create a powerful and distinctive logo. I hope you will enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed working on your project.
I await your feedback and I remain at your disposal.
Best regards
ajs zegt :
thank you for your design. to our opinion it look to much as family consulting.
we like the simplicity, but would love a bit more abstract and more in blue -
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