Next Big Future
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: PrimoPosto online marketing
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 229.00
- Datum start : 10-11-2014 15:33
- Datum einde : 21-11-2014 15:27
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf, png, eps
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 69
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In the past twenty years the possibilities of IT, the Internet and mobile devices have resulted in many changes. It has created new ways of connecting with people; it has changed our lives, jobs and society.
We now live in a time that new types of technology are available in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence and digitization. This will result in a new technological revolution that impacts people, organisations and society. What will this mean in our daily lives? What will it mean for our companies? How will it change our work? This timeframe triggers both fear and curiosity for the unknown. The founders and partners of (website with news on robot technology) will inform and inspire organisations in the area of this new technological revolution that will take us to the ‘Next Big Future’.
About NextBigFuture (NBF)
The company name refers to ‘the next big impact’ of this new wave of technology. Technology is only relevant when it is accepted in people’s lives and in the products and services that organisations offer. A key element is the social acceptance of these new products and services by people and society.
NextBigFuture helps organisations to understand the current state-of-the-art of robotics and define a vision on the possibilities it may have and its impact on a company’s strategy, products and services. We work with a community of inspirational speakers, technology experts and innovative thinkers for presentations, workshops, demos and trainings. In a relatively short timeframe you can get up to speed in this intriguing new field and start exploring the possibilities for your organisation.
Logo development and corporate style
The logo for NBF has to reflect that it is not about robot technology but about the human/technology interaction and the impact on people, organisations and society. The technology will be an enabler for an easier, healthier and longer life. Compared to the logo of the logo for NBF has to be more about this interaction with softer colours and a friendlier font type. Besides the name it should symbolize this human/technology interaction. Visuals and pictures have to show robots in a social context, for instance with a family, with a person, in homes, in therapeutic sessions and in education.
Business to Business
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Technical specifications
The logo will have a maximum of three colors. It should be used as a colored logo as well as in black/white or a single color. Dimensions for the logo are 3:2 (width/heighth) and 5:1 (width/heighth) for use on websites. The logo has to be delivered in .eps, .jpeg, and .png en PDF versions in low-resolution and high-resolution file formats.
The favicon should a simple extract of the visual.
Intellectual property
Intellectual and artistic property rights and trademark are transferred to NextBigFuture and Primo Posto B.V. as legal owners for an infinite period of time.
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