No waste Drink Cup
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
De naam van site is "Drink Cup", waar de woordspeling "Drink (c) UP!" van gemaakt kan worden. Het volledige logo/slogan is dan ook: "No waste, Drink Cup". Waar we zelf neigen naar het stukje "no waste" klein erboven te zetten en de nadruk te leggen op "Drink Cup"
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
BasileG zegt
I think this version is much better.
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BasileG zegt
Here is the explanation of my logo :
First of all, the shape of the logo represents a stylized glass. I chose the color green in order to evoke the "green" and "no waste" aspect of Drink Cup. Secondly, the font used is a very clean and easily readable font (even if you're a bit drunk...). It has been italicized to make it more dynamic and memorable. Finally, by removing the black parts of the logo, it is possible to see a trash can with "no waste" written on its right to incite people not to throw it away. It could be interesting to put a phosphorescent effect when printing, so that you can see only the green part at night.
(Sorry for my poor English, I'm a French designer.)
Have a nice day,
Yours sincerely,
BasG -
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