Ontwerp een logo voor de bank van de toekomst
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Upp is eerlijk, makkelijk te begrijpen en laagdrempelig. Onze klant is 25-40 jaar oud. Target segmenten zijn de do-it-yourself beleggers, ZZP'ers die zelf hun pensioen moeten opbouwen, mensen die hun geld beter willen laten renderen maar hier niet teveel moeite in willen steken.
Slogans die een idee geven van waar we voor staan:
"Your money. Upp to you"
"Upp. Your money, your way."
"Upp. Low cost, low complexity"
"Money made easy"
Wij zijn op zoek naar een mooi logo!
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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Avalee zegt
Hallo there. Thankyou very much for your rating and well appreciated. I make this design until it's 'clean' and direct but still impressive. Is the design clearly enough for you? Any suggestion for me? I would like to know it. Thanks! Best regards.
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Avalee zegt
Thankyou so much for your rating and still well appreciate my design proposal. Anyway, I submit also my newest design proposal. Thank you!
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Upp zegt :
Many thanks for your input Avalee!
What is appealing to us?
- the way UPP is designed, the font looks nice
- the simplicity of the design
- the combination of using a symbol, name and slogan
What could be improved:
- the symbol does not lead to an association with something financially c.q. new way of investing, c.q. easiness of investing. COuld you please come up with a diffent symbol?
- the usage of more colours or the same colour in different shades -
Avalee zegt
Hallo there. First, thankyou so much for your rating and give me feedback some sugesstions. Yes, for sure I will improve the design and getting the best logo for you. I noted your points. So I will do it. Have a nice contest.
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