Ontwerp een logo voor een bedrijf wat mensen met kanker coacht in het doorlopen van het ziekteproces.
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
En Voorlief in een mooi passens lettertype.
Bedrijf voor coaching bij kanker op het gebied van voeding, beweging en mindset.
Iedereen van jong tot oud die de diagnose kanker heeft gekregen.
Patienten in ziekenhuizen.
Met het voedingsconcept wil ik tevens de ziekenhuizen bereiken.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Nu kwam mijn vader met een idee, waar ik benieuwd naar ben. Iets met donkerte, met een rode gloed waar de zon uitkomt.
Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Dear Sam3003,
So this is it :).
best wishes -
Sam3003 zegt :
Yes, finally! Again thank you very much.
atriumdesignstudio zegt
Dear Sam3003,
You are welcome.Thank you too.
best wishes -
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Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Dear Sam3003,
Here are some more suggestions.
best wishes -
Sam3003 zegt :
Dear Atriumdesigner,
You've just designed my logo for my company!!! You win the one in the middle. Thank you soo much!!!!!! -
Sam3003 zegt :
Dear Atriumdesigner,
You've just designed my logo for my company!!! You win with the one in the middle. Thank you soo much!!!!!! -
atriumdesignstudio zegt
Dear Sam3003,
Thank you very much.Im glad Ive given you what you wanted :).
best wishes -
Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.
Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Daer Sam3003,
Sorry to hear taht, and Im so glad that you have your boys as main support :).I added two little stars in te logo.It is just an example, we can variate the colors in the way you like the most.Important thing right now is to find the design you like the most :).
best wishes -
atriumdesignstudio zegt
Dear Sam3003,
We can also move one star to the upper-right end of letter V, and left the other on the down-left side of letter F. where two of them are now.
best wishes -
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Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Dear Sam3003,
Is this what you meant?
best wishes -
Sam3003 zegt :
This is exactly what i meant. But honestly i prefer the one with the green letters and the grey on the left side. Thats the one for me. I do have one question left. I have two boys, they were for me the drive when i was ill. Could you design something very little as a element who gives my boys a element in the logo. It might be very very small by exempel two little stars or points. So i can say to my boys that they were my drive then and the are still my drive to let my company be a succes . I hope you understand what i mean.
Sam3003 zegt :
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Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Dear Sam3003,
Here are some of the solutions.If you have some other suggestions/corrections, Ill be glad to do them.
best wishes -
Sam3003 zegt :
I still like the one in the middle. Could you switch the color and the grey Side and weite it in grey letters?
Sam3003 zegt :
Sorry write
atriumdesignstudio zegt
Dear Sam3003,
Let me see if I understand...You want design in middle, right?And you want left side of the heart to be green with a hint of red, and right side in grey, plus grey letters.Am I corret?
best wishes -
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Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Dear Sam3003,
Did you mean something like this?
best wishes -
atriumdesignstudio zegt
Dear Sam3003,
Maybe it would be better to switch places with gray part of the heart, beacuse "V" starts in green, or to do red part on left side, instead of right.
best wishes -
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Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Dear Sam3003,
Did you mean something like this?
best wishes -
Sam3003 zegt :
Yes, i really like this. Could you also do this with your second design. The one with te hearts.
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Toelichting van de designer atriumdesignstudio:
Dear Sam3003,
If you like, we can combine logo and font from every design idea, so if you think some logo would go better with some other font, just tell me and I will make changes.
best wishes -
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Sam3003 zegt :
Wauw, ben er gewoon stil van. Alleen kan niet kiezen tussen groen en rood.
atriumdesignstudio zegt
Dear Sam3003,
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.Im glad you like it :).
best wishes
Sam3003 zegt :
Kunt u een subtiel rood accent toevoegen aan de groene varianten?
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Sam3003 zegt :
Wauw ook bijzonder mooi!
Sam3003 zegt :
This one with a subtile red element in the green one
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Sam3003 zegt :
Compliment hoor, alle drie de designs zijn prachtig!
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