Ontwerp een logo voor een Fysiotherapie en Performance praktijk
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: Patrick Slegtenhorst
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 229.00
- Datum start : 26-04-2016 23:46
- Datum einde : 10-05-2016 23:37
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 117
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
de praktijk gaat zich richten op innovatieve en resultaatgerichte behandelingen. We onderscheiden ons van de reguliere fysiotherapie behandeling door een complete aanpak; behandelen, training, voeding, supplementen, coaching. Daarnaast zijn we continue bezig om onszelf en de behandelmethode te verbeteren. Waardoor we uiteindelijk de klant zo snel en efficiënt mogelijk kunnen helpen. Naast het behandelen van klachten, gaan we ons ook richten op het verbeteren van prestaties bij atleten.
Elite athletes and elite football players
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Style: Modern
Colors: something black and white (if fits with the design blue is also an option)
See examples for design style
Do not use the words 'physical therapy' or in Dutch 'fysiotherapie'. Only Synergy / Synergy Performance / Synergy "Enhancing Performance"
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hello Patrick,
attached a new triangle combination ;)
Have a nice sunday, kind regards, Dagmar -
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hi Patrick,
attached another version, where I slightly changed the arrangement of the colors in the image sign, also including a colored version without the gradient and the black/white version you requested.
Let me know, if there's anything else you need to see,
kind regards, Dagmar -
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
Thanks, we are very excited. But we really like a triangle, but we dont like the S in the logo. Can you do something with that?
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
I uploaded some examples, keywords are modern en simpel. Hope we can get to the last step :)
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Like this?
Kind regards, Dagmar -
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
VirtualLies zegt
Thank you ;)
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
I dont know if it is to much to ask, but for marketing option we want a colored one like this one and a black and white version, can we try how it looks? and then also that de E from enhancing lines up with the left side of the s?
VirtualLies zegt
No, its surely not to much to ask ;) I'll load up the revision later this afternoon, kind regards, Dagmar
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Good morning Patrick,
thank you again for your positive reaction ;) Attached another version in a round appearance. Did you mean the outlining like I set it up in this proposal?
Kind regards, Dagmar -
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
Thanks for youre reaction. This one is also nice but we preferred the one before this one. What i mean is that the upper line of the letters is not as high as the upper line of the logo -_ . Mayby that is nice?
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hi Patrick,
attached a version with the symbol on the left side instead on top. Did you mean the font BEBAS NEUE, because I cant find a font called BABAS? Maybe you have a link to a site using this font you mean, so I could get an impression, what font style you like. Looking forward to your reply, kind regards, Dagmar -
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
This is getting great. I thinks the font you first used for the synergy was better indeed. De font for enhanching performance mayby a bit more like these themes: http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=501 . Can you also make the logo and text outlining the same? so that the upper field of the text is on the same heigth as the logo. Hard to explain in english, but some outlining?
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
I think the font you used in the first try is better, agree?
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Hi Patrick,
thanky again for the feedback ;) Attached two revisions, kind regards, dagmar -
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
Wauw this one is really nice, is it also possible to do the logo on the left and the text on the right? So LOGO SYNERGY (and under de bigger synergy text enhancing perforance). And can you use a font like babas nue or something like that dont know alot of fonts
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Toelichting van de designer VirtualLies:
Good morning Patrick,
thank you for your feedback, maybe this idea is more going into the direction you're looking for...
Kind regards, Dagmar -
Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
Wow fast reply, these is indeed more what we are searching for, but mayby a lil bit more minimal (like our example with the triangle?)
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Patrick Slegtenhorst zegt :
It has to look though and we prefer steep lines / triangle
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