Ontwerp een logo voor een nieuw fashion merk!
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket goud
Naam van het mode merk: Avilana
! Wij zijn echt op zoek naar een beeld logo + naam. Niet alleen een naam in mooie letters.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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Toelichting van de designer Wilko:
hello, I'm glad you like my logo.
Here is the missing touch to show the fashion side.
We can see a garment button at the center of pictogram. It is a simple connotation, but with a strong impact.
I did not want to distort the logo and the first idea.
I hope you will enjoy this release.
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Toelichting van de designer Wilko:
This is my work for your new corporate identity.
Avilana in malagasy means "turn aside" .
I tried to create a modern and attractive symbol with the letter "a" explaining this signification. The fact to turn aside life barriers in order to go directly to the goal.
The "a" with the curved line is the way to explain this feeling.
I am french and it is a little bit difficult to explain clearly what I mean. I hope you will appreciate my work. -
AvilanaBV zegt :
Thank you for participating! We really like your design, and I understand what you are saying. Maybe you could try to add a fashion item to this logo? It must be clear for our customers that we are a fashion accessoires company. Thank you!
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