Ontwerp een logo voor vernieuwde, energieke en verrassende Politieke Partij: Partij tegen de Politiek

Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons

  • Wedstrijd van: vickyvb
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Totaal budget: € 229.00
  • Datum start : 08-07-2015 14:35
  • Datum einde : 02-09-2015 14:28
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 71
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


Goal: Design a logo for a new Dutch political party (to be extended to an international public)

About the Logo:
Any logo designer who saw the film Zeitgeist 1, 2 and 3 (on YouTube) and The Venus Project (https://www.thevenusproject.com/en/) has an idea about the ideology and has an idea about our political ambitions which is to end politics, power and money through true democracy. By the way, the founder of the party is a member of the Zeitgeist Movement.
We think that the logo of the political party must be a high-tech and scientific logo for political purposes which invites people to stab out their middle finger to the current economic-political and social model. This without putting the middle finger in the logo. We can use the middle finger as a sign or a gesture in commercials or advertisements but don’t want to integrate this in the logo.
The logo can contain the name of the party (Partij tegen de Politiek).

We don’t believe in any religion. We don’t believe in good or bad people. People are a product of their environment or culture.
The logo must also radiate hope because the alternatives are also hopeful. So not just a fuck you logo, but with a hopeful and friendly twist. Keep in mind that it has to be possible to integrate the logo into a corporate identity. The logo is potentially a logo that will not forget history. Who wants to be the designer? Which designer is inspired by things that are larger than power and money? Who wants to become the party designer in the future? Who understands what we mean? Who provides something that the finest, most liable poor and middle class people will never forget at the first visual look. We ask each participant to clarify in writing the design of his/her logo.

More info see attached document


We, the world’s leading humanists, are setting up a political party called - Party against Politics or in Dutch, “Partij Tegen De Politiek”. The international website and movement will be called “Let’s Kill Politics” and will have the same logo as the Dutch Party against Politics / Partij Tegen De Politiek.
Both websites aren’t developed yet.
No, it is not a joke, Partij tegen de Politiek or Party against Politics will be a real political party managed by comedians, artists and performers and other same minded people who wish to make humans aware of the high-tech solutions that can replace power and money. We will create more awareness. We need more support and members through political ways. There is a technological and scientific way to manage our planet much better than a political management system. Politics doesn’t solve problems but are creating them in order to stay in control. The present political system remains true in life by creating more problems.
The Netherlands is one of the most progressive regions in the world. When we legalized cannabis, the rest of the world followed. When we legalized as first nation gay marriage, the rest of the world followed. So controversial ideas have the most chance to survive when The Netherlands speak first. Let’s do the test again.

About the party:
We are a protest party and a barometer of awareness towards the established world and national powers. We want to establish the party in each democratic country. How dare we call ourselves a modern society in a world where only 336 people have as much wealth as 3 billion people all over the world. 10 years ago 1% of the world had 40% of all wealth. Now, the position is at 50%.
Do you like the trend? Our target public is 99% of the world.
An example, if we would divide all the coffee capacity in the world in an honest way, you and I and the rest of the world are able to drink 140 cups of coffee per day! And still we say nothing about all other resources. You can’t imagine what our planet is able to provide when distribution would be fair. We are against labor for money. Technology must relieve humans from repetitive and boring jobs and labor, technology must not make humans poor.

About the founder:
Within the emerging counter-culture, we see different sides of a relatively unknown but passionate 40-year-old stand-up comedian Jasper. As an analyst, social critic, anarchist, politician, philosopher and psychologist Jasper is forcing us to take a look at the taboo aspects that formed (or rather deformed) our vision and our behavior, from a different angle. Jasper, the party leader, shows us with a critical wink, the harsh reality of the world around us where we are controlled and manipulated by cultural, political and religious influences that at their turn are manipulated by money. Jaspers main message? "Our live is just a fast ride. Let's transcend our challenges. Let's start with politics. Fuck it, why not ... let's kill politics, through democracy."
As a new weapon and channel he launched a political party, an internet party called "Partij tegen de Politiek". Driven by humor, but above all with a shocking, objective, naked truth with psychological, biological, but mostly comic sounds. The logo and brand symbolize where he and the party stand for. Shocking? Not really, it's just reality.

More info see attached document


More info see attached document

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

a logo that people will never forget, a logo that will write history, a logo that is hypnotic

  • Logo # 506537 voor Ontwerp een logo voor vernieuwde, energieke en verrassende Politieke Partij: Partij tegen de Politiek wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. Toelichting van de designer NRoos:

      Beste opdrachtgever,

      Interessant project! Ik moet toegeven dat ik de Zeitgeist-films nog niet gezien heb.
      Dit concept-logo is fel én humoristisch. Er zijn geen klassieke Nederlandse partijkleuren gebruikt. Beeld en tekst zijn los en samen te gebruiken.

      Mocht het logo nog niet uitstralen wat u zoekt, dan hoor ik graag uw op- en aanmerkingen.

      Met hartelijke groet,

    2. NRoos zegt

      Ik hoop dat het duidelijk zichtbaar is dat het beeldmerk gemaakt is van twee P's en een gezichtje vormt dat zijn tong uitsteekt.

    3. Deze wedstrijd is gesloten. Commentaar geven is niet meer mogelijk.

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