Ontwerp een uniek logo voor interculturele ontwkkeling
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: EvolveSilvia
- Categorie: Logo
- Totaal budget: € 229.00
- Datum start : 29-09-2016 05:20
- Datum einde : 06-10-2016 05:16
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 58
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer Toontjearti:
I used a blue radial gradiant for this one, its a little bit more blueish than the other, feedback is welcome and if you want something changed, let me know so we can work it out!
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Toelichting van de designer Toontjearti:
v3-more blueish!
EvolveSilvia zegt :
Hi. Thanks for the new versions. I will have a good look at it a few times and show it to others as well. Come back to you.
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Toelichting van de designer Toontjearti:
tried to combine them! so here is v2 - used a dark blue for colour.
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EvolveSilvia zegt :
Are these two separate designs or one? I like the infinite sign, is it also possible to include it in the name? i'd like it more compact.
EvolveSilvia zegt :
And the colour is not my favourite. Do you have something more blueish?
Toontjearti zegt
I made 2 seperate designs, black/white just to show you how the logo fits with the name. And yeah it is possible to include it in the name i will show you several options in a few hours. Also what is your favourtie colour, i could do something blue yeah! Thank you for the feedback. -
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