Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
We verzorgen o.a. applicaties voor aanhouding, predictive profiling, persoonsbeveiliging, close quarter combat.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Protacts zegt :
Dear designer,
Thanks so far. We see a lot of desings. But he didn’t have the “Wow, that’s it!” yet. There are only a few days left. Maybe your are helped by explaining a little bit more about ourselfs and training.
Most of us are former Russian Spetsnaz or trained in Combat Sambo Systema. Some others are from SAS or Delta. Our goal/mission is simple “High quality training in tactics for security, police and other professionals”.
If you want to design a more traditional logo; be our guest. If you want to think outside the box? Please post all your idea’s.
Head instructor Protacts
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