TOPLOGO voor TOPRESULTS of TR initialen
Wedstrijd gegevens:
I would like to see a ripple effect of a drop of water with the world as ball and topresults as text merged in the logo
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
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rendert zegt :
can you change the plane with a star and also try to integrate it in the o of TOP please ?
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rendert zegt :
can you change the plane by a star and also try to make the same logo with a globe instead of the o of TOP please ?
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rendert zegt :
Yea, is pretty nice. Could you also make it with a globe instead of the o of TOP and make instead of the plane a star or other symbol which explains success ?
rendert zegt :
Also a ripple effect in the globe as if a dropbof water stirs the water
rendert zegt :
See attachements what I mean ;-)
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