Young intercultural company looking for it's logo
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Our company has been founded in February 2015 and deals predominantly in anything that pertains to intercultural business, from consultancy to assistance and facilitaion. We provide tailor made solutions to businesses as well as private individuals in any sector where this may be required through our extensive network.
Our main target concerns businesses that do inter(national/cultural) business. predominantly in Europe our network extends worldwide. Furthermore, we are in the business of aiding expats, to immigrate and emigrate from A to B, wherever that may be, and assist them with any challenges they may encounter.
Our services comprehend but are not limited to (inter ntaional/cultural): Finance, Logistics, Legal, Recruitment and Selection, Property Management, Administration etc.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
We are looking for a unique, simple and elegant logo that expresses our know how.
During a brainstorming session we have come up with the idea of a spider juxtaposed on the world, covered by it's web.
The symbolism behind it was the company as dominating the web, to emphasize our know-how.
The web would symbolize the nodes and contactpoints we provide and handle.
The world would stand for multiculturalism.
We had trouble relating this to what ultimately is more important : the elegant and simple prerequisite. Furthermore it is absolutely not desireable that the logo can be mixed up with something else (ie : spiders very easily related to spiderman)
We were personally thinking of 2 colors : silver/chrome and blue to emphasize our trustworthiness.
We have attached several googled pictures to give an idea of what may be incorporated in the above mentioned logo.
Then again, we are open to completely different suggestions, the most important thing to us is that it is a unique, simple and elegant logo that oozes professionalism.
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M.Violin zegt :
Dear Zarkovzi,
Thank you for your submission!
Although we really like your logo we are not sold on whether it gets across the message we want to send. The logo by itself does not suggest that we are an intercultural solution provider and it doesn’t show our number one strength, which is our extensive network. We are looking for a logo that expresses those qualities and if there is a way to implement them.
We would also like to see the company name in black (or blue, depending on the design) and the individual words should be of similar size if possible.
We hope this feedback was helpful.
Feel free to contact us for more information.
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