Chick need a mindblowing logo!
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket zilver
- Wedstrijd van: joycehaagmans
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 419.00
- Datum start : 03-08-2017 16:50
- Datum einde : 10-08-2017 16:50
- Status : Beëindigd
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 66
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Me the Chick on a mission, needs a logo. Femini strong but still sexy. Company name: Chick on a Mission. I like the symbol of a gun or a high heel. But you can also think out of the box. I am a designer of a watch brand and a sales women. A real chick on a mission, with a clever "mission"!
Attached some pictures of colors I like, pure as inspiration
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer M3kdesign:
Dear Joyce,
here is my vision about your company.
This unique, simple and meaning design is inspired by strong and sophisticated woman.
This design has 3 version you could use:
- centred
- landscaped (as main)
- sophisticated (logo instead letter "I").
and 4th one, of course, logo only - your recognizable simple illustration you could use without any texts.
I really hope that you like it.
If you have some suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
If you like this design, please provide me a feedback, so I could start preparing complete brand identity pack preview for you.
Creative regards, -
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