Een zakelijk, maar warm logo voor een HR professional
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket goud
- Wedstrijd van:
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 589.00
- Datum start : 23-01-2017 22:37
- Datum einde : 30-01-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 102
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
HR adviezen geven aan organisaties die hun succes behalen mede door het succes van hun medewerkers.
commerciële organisaties.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
verbinden van mensen
onder Seijdel Consultancy graag toevoegen: uw HR partner
factor zegt
I work today on new design, and i upload here to see.
Gretting Milla -
factor zegt
Whit this design, i try to present your work with letters SC and line on start letter S and end of letter C present connection people and all logo human is actually HR partner.
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factor zegt
Dear, Later I saw your comment, i work for stationery for my first design.I wish you all the best with your choice. Greeting, Milla
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factor zegt
Dear Dunja,
Hope you like stationery, if you have any suggestion we can change, for stationery i use my last design. also if you need something other from stationery (cover for facebook, folder, poster...)I can do.
Milla Lekic - zegt :
Dear Milla, thank you for all your work. I have chosen a different logo.
Dunja -
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factor zegt
I work on new design for your contest, if you have any suggestion fell free to write.
Milla Lekic -
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factor zegt
Do you have something like this on mind?
If you have any suggestion fell free to write.
Greeting -
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- zegt :
don't like these colors.
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factor zegt
Dear Dunja, do you like some of these colors?
Greeting - zegt :
not sure about the combinations. maybe purple blue pink?
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- zegt :
Don't like the additional hands.
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- zegt :
Is it possible to use more warm colors?
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- zegt :
Don't like these hands.
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- zegt :
Dear Factor,
Love the logo. Could you include "uw HR partner" in the logo as slogan (translation: your HR partner)? And would it be possible to slightly change the form of the logo so it looks like two people giving hands, reaching out, are connecting (the yellow and blue in the circle)?
factor zegt
Dear Dunja, thanks for your comment, i put slogan "uw HR partner" also i use your suggestion and make to look like two people giving hands, eaching out, and connecting. Do you like any of these proposals? Do you have any suggestions to improve my work ? If you like, we can start working on stationery.
Have a nice evening
Greeting -
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