Hangry! Streetfood. Logo and Brand style required for new food truck / caterer
Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons
- Wedstrijd van: jordielucas
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 319.00
- Datum start : 02-05-2017 10:49
- Datum einde : 09-05-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 36
Respons opdrachtgever:
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"Hangry Streetfood" is a brand new food truck and catering service that delivers high quality modern streetfood. It is inspired by a my experience in hospitality and my lifelong passion for street food around the world (in particular the streetfood cultures of Asia and America). Launching in Summer 2017 we aim to appear at numerous festivals and outdoor events in the Netherlands's well as several fixed locations in addition to offering a tailored catering service to private and business customers.
We strive to deliver high quality, locally sourced and always freshly made dishes inspired by famous street foods of the world. We will offer limited menus at larger scale events in keeping with one of our street food concepts, and rotate the menus seasonally and dependant on the event. Our signature menu concepts will include Asian Streetfood, Gourmet Sliders, Fish n Chips. It is the aim to expand the brand with a number of food trucks that can ultimately be dedicated to each of our street food concepts.
The brand image must be modern and sleek, while also being playful and approachable (as suggested with the Hangry brand name). We take our food seriously and have developed recipes and menus with emphasis on quality but we our driven by the idea of making people happy by creating memorable food experiences. The logo must be simple but attractive and the colour scheme must be eye-catching as it will be visible on the truck itself and often in direct competition with several other food trucks. The logo will also be developed into a full design for the food truck itself which will eventually be painted and wrapped with the design.
The logo must be able to work across a number of platforms and will be fundamental to the marketing of the food truck. It will also be printed on the food wrapping and containers as well as used on the website and marketing materials.
things i'd like to include in the logo/design : a bowl / street markings, road / animals like pig, cow, chicken / maybe a cartoon animal or monster ('Hangry monster'). obviously doesn't have to include everything but these are things that resonate with the brand. I also really like the image style of Magic Rock brewery (please google it to see the designs of the beer cans/ bottles). I would like to incorporate something like this look/feel into the hungry street food brand.
***please check out the the following pinterest boards for an idea of the style and the application of the logo. i have also attached some sketches of my own for inspiration, but i am no artist, please only use for inspiration.
***you must copy and paste the following links and remove the [DOT] between 'nl' and 'pinterest' and replace with a .
otherwise the links to pinterest boards will not work.
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Toelichting van de designer SabineMichelle:
In addition to the message attached to the previous design: obviously the colors added can be adjusted to suit your wishes :).
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Toelichting van de designer SabineMichelle:
This proposal and the next differ only on the element below the name. It also includes a couple of separate elements which can be used on different sides of the truck as well as on the packaging. I am looking to find out what you think!
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Toelichting van de designer SabineMichelle:
Another proposal with color options :).
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Toelichting van de designer SabineMichelle:
Another proposal including color options and a variation with or without the chicken :). I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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Toelichting van de designer SabineMichelle:
This is my first design. I included a hangry-monster in the H of the word (with city teeth). Surrounding the company name and monster are objects which include a cow, chicken, and pig. Obviously the surrounding objects can be replaced with anything you like. The same goes for the color used. I proposed three different, but related, color schemes for the possiblity of having multiple trucks that will visually and unmistakably belong to the same company, but can definitely have their own purpose/style of food. As for the packaging and foodtruck itself, I would like to propose to have the objects that surround the logo printed all over. All elements can be adjusted and made to suit your wishes. If there is not enough time to do this within the time of this competition, I will definitely continue working on it after the time is up :). I am looking forward to hearing from you.
SabineMichelle zegt
Thanks a lot for the rating :)! Are there any changes you would like to see?
SabineMichelle zegt
Also, the background color of the packaging can either be one of the colors from the color scheme or it can just be white/cardboard color with the objects and logo on them :).
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