Kan jij ... Fris - Elegant - Zacht - Professioneel ontwerpen?
Wedstrijd gegevens:
- Wedstrijd van: leukeopdracht
- Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
- Totaal budget: € 150.00
- Datum start : 01-05-2017 10:57
- Datum einde : 10-05-2017 00:00
- Status : Beëindigd
- Benodigde formaten: jpg,psd,ai,png
- Relevante bestanden: Geen
Beschikbare talen:
- Aantal inzendingen: 111
Respons opdrachtgever:
laag hoog
Voor mijn bedrijf 'connect with care' ben ik op zoek naar het frisse, elegante, zachte en professionele huisstijl+logo ontwerp.
Connect with care is een bedrijf dat coaching, training en advies geeft aan gezondheidszorgprofessionals.
Fris (visual+kleurgebruik) Elegant (vorm en lettertype) Zacht (pastel kleuren/groen) Professioneel (overall ontwerp).
De naam van het bedrijf 'connect with care' staat voor een zorgvuldige verbinding die wordt aangegaan tussen het bedrijf en de klant. Maar ook de verbinding en affiniteit met de gezondheidszorg.
Ik ben ontzettend benieuwd naar alle inzendingen!!
coaching training advies voor gezondheidszorgprofessionals
Professionals die werken in de gezondheidszorg
Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves
Zie toegevoegde color schemes
Axel Sonnet
Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @leukeopdracht, here is the text cloud version
Axel Sonnet zegt
I have reached the maximum design upload allowed by brandsupply, i would be able to make further correction in the finalisation proccess if you choose me as winner, good luck with your final selection.
Regards. -
leukeopdracht zegt :
Hey Axel, I did not know that it worked this way. You have made such beautiful designs, I will think about it. This monday the winner will hear about it! And thanks very much! Kind regards, Dieke
Axel Sonnet zegt
Thanks for your positive feedbacks^^ have a nice day !
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @leukeopdracht, here is the text cloud version
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@leukeopdracht, exeple for your binder.
leukeopdracht zegt :
very beautiful. Thanks!
leukeopdracht zegt :
Can you get rid of the trademark in the logo?
leukeopdracht zegt :
I really like your complete design! Thanks so much. I was wondering; does it fit to make a text clouds of the two C's? Like in the other designs? I am curious about how the design would look with this adjustment. Thanks
Axel Sonnet zegt
forgot to remove the trademark but it's not a big deal ^^
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@leukeopdracht, with only pictogram on colored side of business card
Axel Sonnet zegt
not sure if you mean watermark as the big subtle grey logo on A4 paper or the pictogram only ^^
leukeopdracht zegt :
Thanks, very cool! I would only like one design for a binder/folder; total aqua, big watermark in the middle and on the logo at the bottom
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leukeopdracht zegt :
Thanks! On the aqua side of the business card can you make only the watermark instead of the full logo with text?
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@leukeopdracht : Updated version
leukeopdracht zegt :
thanks very much.
Can you place on the front of the business card;
coaching . Training . Advies
And on the other side make the logo smaller and on the left, text on the right please -
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@leukeopdracht , here is the new updated stationery.
Axel Sonnet zegt
I may not understood what you mean with the business cards, can you be more precise with the format ( horizontal or vertical, with the pictogram or just the text etc...) Thanks!
leukeopdracht zegt :
Hey Axel, thanks. I really like your design!
Sorry for misunderstanding; I did like the outstretched line in the big C! Please in all the logo's the outstretched line on the big C, can you do this again?
The business card; I like the white horizontal one. On the other side of this white business card I would like text with personal information, could you make this format (name, email etc.)? This side of the business card in color aqua with white text please. Thanks! -
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@leukeopdracht , here is the updated stationery.
leukeopdracht zegt :
Very nice thanks!
The two c's have open sides where the lines meet each other, except for the line between the upper sides. Is this on purpose?
The logo is not always the same; sometimes big C has no outstretched line.
Also I think it is pretty cool if the business card on the front is white with colored logo and on the other side aqua with white letters for text. Can you make this format for the business card? -
Axel Sonnet zegt
Yes it was on purpose to make it more original , if you want i can make a gap on the upper side too, i'll fix the different issue tomorrow
leukeopdracht zegt :
Well, this is why I need people like you to design ;) my husband told me the same. Please let it be in the original state. I will wait in patience about the other issues. Thanks en good night!
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@leukeopdracht , new version of stationery with your feedbacks.
Axel Sonnet zegt
you can clic on the thumbnail beside to see in full resolution
leukeopdracht zegt :
I like the white one with colored logo horizontal. Very nice! You can copy paste this to corporate identity. Thanks very much!
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
@leukeopdracht here is an exemple with stationery.
leukeopdracht zegt :
Could you design the business card vertical? And on the side of the business card with only CC also text connect with care? Thanks!
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leukeopdracht zegt :
Hai Axel, thanks for your designs. I like this one. Also the font that you've used for 'connect with care'. How would you design corporate identity with this color scheme and logo? Thanks!
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @leukeopdracht , Brown version with different "CC" letters
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @leukeopdracht , as you requested it, here is my design with classy "CC" pictogram.
Let me know if you like it ! -
leukeopdracht zegt :
Also; I like the use of colors in this design. Can you use this format in colors in the corporate identity?
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Toelichting van de designer Axel Sonnet:
Hello @leukeopdracht , as you requested it, here is my design with classy "CC" pictogram.
Let me know if you like it ! -
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