Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand

Wedstrijd gegevens:

  • Wedstrijd van: paolovalletta
  • Categorie: Logo & Huisstijl
  • Totaal budget: € 75.00
  • Datum start : 08-05-2012 18:22
  • Datum einde : 18-05-2012 18:22
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Benodigde formaten: jpg
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 94
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


logo design : some modern - design circle with brandname Paolo Valletta inside

also the style for letter use, business cards etc...corporate design


new italian, elegant, stylish, modern fashion brand

Paolo Valletta

authenticity but modern


city-people, the modern business young man/woman, fashionistas.

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

colors: black-white-grey

a shade of purple, shadoweed, in a shadow

it must represent style, and a bit retro-vintage-50s flair, twist

fonttype, i used an old MS Word-version, Broadway fonttype,,,i would like to keep it or revised by you!

  • Logo & Huisstijl # 88667 voor Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. paolovalletta zegt :

      its excellent. and up-to-date, very -now-, also it represents the online world, i guess.

      and the font is great too.

      but i dont think its suitable for a fashionlabel,,,well,,,yes, it will contain online activity, a webshop, but i think i will go for an non-web a-like logo...but thank you

    2. paolovalletta zegt :

      the logo doesnt have to contain the highlighted
      P and/or V....in fact many brands already are doing that,,,i dont like that,,,,,im looking for subtle, humble logo,,,,without the explicit emphasis on the P and V

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  • Logo & Huisstijl # 88666 voor Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo & Huisstijl # 88532 voor Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo & Huisstijl # 88531 voor Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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  • Logo & Huisstijl # 88517 voor Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
    1. paolovalletta zegt :

      this logo resembles more the football-world,,,soccer.

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  • Logo & Huisstijl # 88516 voor Logo and Corporate Design for New Fashionbrand  wedstrijd Klacht indienen
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